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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Random thoughts and musings

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Here are some lessons I have learned for the past 88 years I have been around.

Some people think they have a future; they don’t even have presence.

Most of those who enjoy degrading other people are hiding their own shortcomings.

Parents should endeavor to make their children feel their love and presence. It is in fulfillment of a divine mandate.

Don’t play with the emotions of those you love unless you are sure it will make them feel good or laugh.

Knowledge solidifies conviction; faith makes it strong.

Flattery and praise, like sugar and icing, are hard to resist but both readily melt down.

Talent may make you admirable but it is character which makes you respectable.

Don’t take life too seriously; you may shorten it unexpectedly.

It is ironic that wisdom often comes late.

Like uncut diamonds, some of the kindest souls are unlettered.

There will be no religious intolerance and prejudice if all accept that there is only one and the same God.

The shortest distance between two points is logic.

I once drew a line; I crossed it. I wept.

God limited the length of your arms to prevent you from patting yourself in the back.

Unless you can forgive, you will never have peace.

The most enduring foundation of any relationship is respect.

Physical attraction and emotional attachment may draw two people together but they are as brittle as their nerves and as ephemeral as their skins.

Every grandchild is an extension of your immortality.

By some immutable law of nature, every creature recreates and propagates itself; what is terrifying is if man can replicate himself.

Do not blame others for your misfortunes in life; blame yourself.

No one can prevent my child from seeing God.

Never ignore the entreaties, and complaints of your children; they have an uncanny way of reading your mind and knowing your feelings. Trust your heart more than your brain. It is your heart that can fathom their loneliness and despair; your mind can rationalize rejection but it cannot erase the pain.

Music is the best stimulant for your creative faculties, both above the neck and below the belt.

Take good care of your parents while they are still within your reach; it is from them that your journey started.

It is easy to draw the blueprints for goodness but extremely difficult to live up to then. Do not measure others by the standards you have set for yourself; they will either fall short or exceed your measurements. It is unfair and upsetting.

No regime can redistribute wealth without a revolution.

The best things in life are free if you know how to get them.

Any man should be kind and grateful to any woman who makes love with him willingly or even for a fee. She bared naked not just her body but her soul and spirit.


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