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Saturday, September 21, 2024

A demagogue in the making

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Liberal Party vice presidential candidate Leni Robredo is a lawyer, and being familiar of the adage, her propaganda spiel about her accomplishments is what lawyers would say “figment of her fertile imagination.” All that she is saying in her campaign sorties are fiction. Maybe one can embellish something that is true, but surely not on something that never happened because the bottom line is that she is lying in front of the people she intends to fool. The perception she projects of herself is a premonition of things to come because it cast a shadow about her gloating ambition, waving as usual the flag of being a moral crusader.

It would have been better for Robredo to tell the truth that she was elected to Congress by the uncanny process of necropolitics, a macabre vice of this good-for-nothing yellow regime that exploits emotions to generate an inexplicable outpouring for the death of one, expecting to transform that to votes by the entranced electorate. To Leni and her ilk, death is not a loss, but a political windfall that should be taken advantage of while the people’s memory of their deceased caboodle remains fresh in their mind.

So, if the husband dies, the wife must run to fill in the vacuum, and if the mother dies, the son must do the same because as hypocrites, they feel they have a moral obligation to continue, and their controlled mainstream media would do the rest to put icing on their qualification. This is how this pretending-to-be-honest administration exploits the situation, that instead of mourning, they take the situation as their political windfall to perpetuate themselves in power. As the saying goes, “strike while the ‘cadaver’ is hot.”

Maybe we can assume that the late Interior and Local Government secretary Jesse Robredo was not involved in corruption. But that is not enough. We cannot see it as an achievement because as a public official, he is expected to be honest. Otherwise, a jail term awaits him. Besides, his untimely death cut short everything that nobody knows whether he could have accomplished a greater-than-life image now being projected of him by this fraudulent regime; or could have avoided the temptations of corruption; or succeeded in leaving a legacy to be rightfully remembered. In other words, beyond that are mere speculations just as one who states something that begins with “IF” is a liar.

The same can be said of Leni Robredo. She simply filled the vacuum left by the untimely death of her husband, and thanks to the sympathy that was purposely “orchestrated” by this good-for-nothing regime. Objectively, the accident was something of a good fortune for admittedly, Leni became a congresswoman without having to present any credential to justify her nomination. The administration did not even scout from among their lackeys who is best qualified to serve as their representative in Congress but simply proclaimed her as their standard bearer because she is one who will continue to parrot lies, as what she is now doing.

Leni could hardly cite any accomplishment to qualify her for the position. She is groping not for words in wanting to recall what she has accomplished like reciting a litany of fiction or promising to accomplish if elected. According to Wikipedia, one of her mainstay was the passage of the Freedom of Information Law which was approved while serving as the representative of the province of Camarines Sur. Again, that is a big lie because before that controversial law was approved, the FOI has long been pending. When it was finally approved, she merely affixed her name though she did not contribute a word to rightfully claim as one of the authors who impliedly abrogated the Revised Penal Code articles on espionage, and invariably gave honor to squealers of state secrets and confidential information which the US likes most.

Her so-called rendering of service to the poor as a provincial lawyer of Naga, narrating that people knock on their door even at the wee hours of the night, is for anybody to guess. As one would jocularly put it, such claim of public service is a mere “drawing,” for nobody can verify it. Even as a solon, she could not present any bill that was enacted or at the least submitted and participated in the deliberation to serve as proof she diligently did her legislative assignment. With that fiction she has been dishing out as her accomplishments, she now has the gall to beg the electorate to elect her with a forte of besmirching the reputation of her rival as her clever way to cover up her ampao credentials.

This ambitious candidate knows she cannot claim the accomplishment of her husband, if there was any, because public service has never been a conjugal enterprise. So, the route she follows is no different from her handler’s void record of accomplishment but ludicrously believes he was elected because of the support of the US imperialist, the oligarchy, the Church, and tacitly by their kibitzers from the so-called Maoist Left. As usual, they are confident she will win through the assiduous manipulation and falsification about her popularity as if the Filipino people would be sucked into voting a mindless stooge. Like what Leni now is doing, PNoy did nothing when he served as congressman and as senator until the PCOS machines elected him president.

Because these hypocrites have managed to equate death in the family with credential, they feel free to fraudulently create a larger-than-life image of themselves to spellbind what they believe as mass of ignorant people. There is no problem much that the mainstream media and the poll surveys will do the job to water down the opposition’s credibility. By presenting themselves as holier than thou, they no longer bother to present their platform of government much that they have been detoxified of their ability to analyze what is good for them and what is good for the country. This I hasten to say because when people now talk of change for the better, they are in reality talking for themselves, and not as a nation working together to bring about progress.

These hypocrites have managed to engrave deep into our cranial lobe the value of the right to vote than to preoccupy ourselves in securing employment, the value of the right to freely open our mouths than in finding something to eat, the duty of regularly going to church than in doing our civic duty so this can country can move forward, the spiritual responsibility of preparing ourselves for the life after death than providing services that would extend our life; the duty of defending freedom and democracy than in having to regulate them to allow all to have their opportunity to share and enjoy the blessings of what it means than in electing who should govern them, and finally, of the spiritual duty of nourishing our souls than in giving nutrients to our life as mortal beings.

These are the values exhorted by Leni Robredo where fact and fiction could hardly be distinguished, promising that if elected, she could do more to help the poor which is a promotion that she will only draw a fiction of the life of Filipinos under her leadership.


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