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Monday, June 17, 2024

Things to consider when dating a Fit chick

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Fit chicks are in and they’re all over social media. Check your explore page on Instagram and it’s more likely filled with photos of strong women. Even the Victoria’s Secret Angels are all slim but strong, and they empower women to workout and get fit and not just be skin and bones. (Yay!) Since it’s almost Valentine’s Day and I got inspired by an article I saw in Thought Catalogue, I decided to make a guide for all you single lads out there who are aspiring to date a beautiful “beast,” and also those fortunate enough to already be with (or married to) one. One thing’s for sure, men are from Mars, and women are from Venus but Fit Girls are probably from a different galaxy. 

1. They sleep early and wake up early. So date nights would mean starting at 6:00 p.m. so she can go home and sleep by 10:00 p.m. No, she will not adjust for you. Maybe once in a blue moon she would, but fit girls are disciplined enough to know how much sleep they need to clock in prior to training. If you’re married to one who is about to start with her routine – be ready to be woken up by her 5:00 a.m. alarm clock to run/swim/attend her yoga class. 

Fit girls come in all shapes and sizes, but if there's one thing they all have in common, it's that they're all STRONG

2. Hungry and Hangry. Having burnt tons of calories during training, your girl will want and need to eat… A LOT. Don’t make any snide comments about her appetite lest you want a major eye roll. Carbo-loading before a race is real. Be happy that your girl isn’t one of those “I’ll just have a salad” women… she will and can eat. Probably even more than you. But don’t think that she will eat just anything – these ladies follow a strict diet program which means she will eat smart, and probably with a lot of restrictions. (So nope, no matter how hungry she is, the drive thru is not an option.)

Carla Paredes, yoga teacher and indoor bike instructor, is a certified fit chick

3. She’s not keeping fit for anyone but herself. If you think she’s doing this for you… DON’T. Being fit is a personal thing. And hitting PRs in training is a feeling that is incomparable to anything. 

Lian Reyes (@lian_reyes), pole dancer/triathlete and a certified fit chick

4. Sports bras 24/7. She probably lives in her sports bras at any given time because it’s just a lot more comfortable. Deal with it.

5. She will probably have a separate closet just for her active wear, plus a massive sneaker collection and all other accessories that have anything to do with her sport. But just because she’s always in active wear doesn’t mean she doesn’t like getting dolled up. She won’t mind wearing heels once in a while, too.

What a fit girl's shoe closet looks like–she may have her sneaker game on but she won't mind wearing fancy shoes sporadically either

6. Yes, she’s getting ripped. Don’t tell her she’s getting too bulky or too “muscle-y.” If you want to date a skinny girl, then don’t go out with her.

7. The people she trains with will be some of her closest friends. Most of them will probably be men (if it’s crossfit or endurance training). Don’t play the overly jealous card. 

8. She will be sore almost everyday. One of the best gifts she can ever receive is a trip to the spa. Bonus points if you can give her the massage yourself.  

9. Nope, she can’t “skip training today.” Stop trying to make her skip training day lest you want to unleash the beast in her. Again, fit chicks follow a strict schedule. If you can’t live with that, then back off. If they do allow themselves to be persuaded and go out to the club with you and skip a day of training… consider yourself lucky. That doesn’t happen often and that probably means she’s really into you. Don’t mess this up. 

10. Her ideal night would be at home reading a book or watching something on the tube. Perhaps “Netflix and chill” was coined by a fit chick.  How much more low maintenance can you get?

Follow me on twitter and instagram @bubblesparaiso


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