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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Angkas launches hotline for critical passenger complaints, quicker response

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Ride hailing firm Angkas on Wednesday announced it was immediately launching a special hotline that passengers can access for critical complaints and quick response.

In the Senate Committee on Justice and Human Rights held this morning, Angkas told senators this was done to better protect the safety of riders and to increase reaction times on critical complaints.

This move is in immediate response to a recent issue brought up by Senator Raffy Tulfo in his public service program.

In addition, one of the country’s pioneering motorcycle taxi start-ups also outlined specific steps on top of the hotline to further enhance the protection measures for passengers, especially women.

Angkas representative Jauro Castro said enhanced gender sensitivity programs for riders will be implemented, as well as instituting refreshers for customer service personnel on the handling of critical complaints.

For specific issues involving sensitive offenses, aid to aggrieved passengers may also involve counseling, medical assistance services, and in selected cases, even legal advice.

“All these measures are done as testament to the commitment and pride of Angkas on the service it continues to provide Filipino passengers,” Castro said.


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