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Sunday, June 2, 2024

DigiPlus spending up to P2b this year to sustain growth

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DigiPlus Interactive Corp. is spending P1.5 billion to P2 billion in 2024 to sustain its growth momentum, its top executive said Wednesday.

DigiPlus president Andy Tsui said in a news briefing 50 percent of this year’s capital expenditures would go to technological upgrades as part of the company’s strategic priorities to become the number one diversified leisure and entertainment hub in the country.

Tsui said the company was also expecting sales to grow anywhere from 10 percent to 20 percent this year from P27 billion in 2023.  It also plans to add 5 to 10 million registered users this year.

He said that as the domestic digital gaming market was expected to reach P60 billion this year, the company aimed to get more than 50-percent share of this market.

DiguPlus now has 20 million registered users and plans to aggressively promote its digital games to the provinces, as Metro Manila has become saturated.

The company operates the country’s leading digital platforms BingoPlus, ArenaPlus and PeryaGame. BingoPlus remains the country’s leading digital bingo platform, offering Filipinos convenient access to their favorite game.

Its robust online platform is further supported by over 140 physical sites nationwide.

DigiPlus posted P4.1 billion in net income in 2023, up by 596 percent from the 2022 level, driven by the steady growth of its digital retail segment which received a boost from new platforms and cost efficiencies.

Revenues also soared 306 percent to P27.3 billion on higher user traffic in its flagship bingo platform BingoPlus and sportsbook ArenaPlus.

“Through our accelerated digital transformation effort, we are optimistic that we can sustain the growth momentum across DigiPlus’ digital offerings,” said Tsui.

“As we expand our retail segment, we remain committed in integrating our digital and offline offerings by introducing top-tier flagship stores, livestreaming hub, cutting-edge gaming machines—all using the latest technology,” he said.


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