28.7 C
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Orlando Oxales

The persistent cycle of SONA issues

"Addressing these critical issues will reflect his administration’s commitment to economic security and provide a clear policy direction for future growth and prosperity" Later today,...

International condemnation of Chinese aggression in the WPS

"We must persistently assert our country’s rights, not only to protect our national security but also as a responsible country committed to sustaining regional...

The urgency for broadband infra upgrades

"The direct and immediate impact of fast broadband connectivity to all the economic pillars of Philippine society is pretty obvious" The need to expand and...

The cold chain link to food security

"By investing in agricultural infrastructure, we can create a future where farmers, communities, and the whole of society will thrive" Food security as defined by...

Brighter future through sustainable infrastructure

"Collaboration between the government and the private sector is crucial to realizing these benefits" As A Filipino consumer, I have watched with anticipation as our...

LNG: The bridge fuel for energy security and economic growth

"The Philippine government has been fostering a conducive business environment to attract investments in renewable energy projects" Energy security is essential for a nation’s economic...

The bane of illegal signal boosters

"The rampant unauthorized use of illegal signal boosters has led to widespread network interference, affecting millions of users" Illegal signal boosters, also known as repeaters,...

Catalyst for economic boom in Western Visayas

"The modernization of the Visayas Container Terminal represents a strategic investment in the economic future of Western Visayas" The Visayas Container Terminal in Iloilo City...


