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Monday, June 17, 2024

Isko won’t be hard on critics, vows open ear

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If elected president in the 2022 elections, Aksyon Demokratiko presidential candidate Manila City Mayor Isko Moreno Domagoso said he will not be hostile to critics of his administration, saying he will even encourage the opposition to voice out their criticisms and grievances against his government.

Moreno even vowed to listen to the political opposition without setting aside the need for urgent action on important matters in government.

Meanwhile, to reach more minors aged 12 to 17, Domagoso plans to bringthe vaccination program to malls.

Domagoso met with Vice Mayor Honey Lacuna to lay down plans to bring the inoculation to the shopping malls to accomodate more of the target population.

The Manila mayor described as “encouraging”  the high turnout of minors who availed of the free mass vaccination in Manila.

As for his critics, he said: “I will try to be reasonable to them. I will listen first to them, if their opposition to something is valid.

Then, if it makes sense, then I’ll listen. If not, go straight again.

Because people voted for you.”

“You are the one expected to govern. You will be in charge,” he said, in a radio interview.

Citing his experience working with officials from different parties, the 47-year-old mayor said he will encourage dialogue and reason in his administration.

“I can work with anybody. It’s proven already in Manila. There are thirty-eight councilors plus the vice mayor. That is also elected by the people. Many of them are lawyers, belonging to prominent families. But when I’m in charge, I talk to them and try to be reasonable. We are being reasonable with them,” Moreno noted.

But Moreno said he will not allow endless debates to paralyze the operations of the government.

“I try to convince them (critics) as much as possible. Because I told them, we are free to engage in debates, but if those debates, that discourses, can do nothing to improve the plight of our people, then I want them to make a decisive decision before the sun sets,” the mayor stressed.

Meanwhile, Moreno has assured that if elected, members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LGBTQI) community would not just be protected, but would be part of his governance.

“They are not only recognized; they are part of my governance. I have no prejudice with people. As long as you are an asset to the state, you have talents that can be utilized in governance through public service, you are welcome,” said Moreno during a virtual meeting with the Filipino-American community based in San Francisco.

“Sa akin, more than the recognition, is for them, these talents, to be utilized by us. And it’s a matter of policy, you’ve been seeing that in Manila,” the Aksyon Demokratiko standard bearer said.

Moreno pointed out that one only has to visit his office to see that the LGBTQI community is well represented, and functioning very well with the other members of his staff, and with city hall employees in general.

“As long as you recognize their skills, their talents, then they excel in their field of undertaking. I have high respect for people, because love begets love; respect begets respect,” he said.

Moreno’s respect for the LGBTQI community was further manifested when he signed on October 29, 2020 Ordinance No. 8695, or the Manila LGBTQI Protection Ordinance, which aims to eliminate “any and all forms of discrimination against LGBTQI solely on the basis of their sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression (SOGIE).”

The ordinance mandates the creation of a Gender Sensitivity and Development Council to oversee its implementation, as well as the establishment of LGBTQI desks in all barangays of the city.

The ordinance likewise mandates business establishments to build gender-neutral toilets “within 3 years” after passage of the ordinance, and failure to do so would be a ground for non-renewal of business permits.

Violators will face penalties ranging from fines to imprisonment.

The Aksyon Demokratiko standard-bearer noted that the reason why the skills and talents of the LGBTQI community have not been fully utilized in the past is due to the prejudice or “personal preference” of past leaders, both at the local and national level.

Domagoso and Lacuna went around the hospital queues to thank the parents who brought their children to avail of the mass vaccination.

They reminded parents and guardians that vaccinating minors would ensure their safety aside from preparing them for the possibility of the opening of limited face-to-face classes.

From Tuesday until Thursday, Domagoso said the mass vaccination  will be done in the six city-owned hospitals.

By the weekend, it may already be held in the four shopping malls which were also utilized for the vaccination of adults.

Domagoso who is running for President under Aksyon Demokratiko noted it will be more comfortable and convenient for minors if vaccination will be done in malls. He said a hospital setting is unstable if it rains.

Lacuna said last week’s inoculation of minors aged 12 to 17 with comorbidities yielded a low turnout. This is why  yesterday’s mass vaccination of the general population of minors was held only in the hospitals.

Domagoso said more than 51,000 minors from the general population of 12 to 17 years old registered for the vaccination. The city has 120,000 doses of Pfizer for them.

The mayor also said that just like in the case of the adult population, bedridden minors will also be vaccinated within the confines of their homes, also with Lacuna, a doctor, doing it herself.

Meanwhile, the six city-run hospitals served 500 qualified minors each yesterday.


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