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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Things millennials consider in search of their perfect car

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Kerwin John Yabao, 26, a technical specialist from Cebu, is thinking of buying his first car. And there’s a long list of things that he considers before finally getting the right car keys for him.

Millennials like him are considering buying their own car even in this time of pandemic. Why? More than being an asset and an investment, with the current situation brought by the coronavirus disease, it is important to reconsider that having your own car will help you lessen the exposure to the virus.

Among these things, Kerwin is now down to four things in looking for car options that will perfectly fit his standards. 

1. Affordability. The first thing that millennials consider in buying a car is the price tag that comes with it. Ever since the pandemic started last year, many companies have been affected by COVID-19. Kerwin, therefore, looks for cars that require low monthly payment considering that he also pays for his family’s monthly bills.

He also researches for car manufacturers that provide various payment options and most importantly, and fit his budget.

With the continuously rising market prices of essential needs, he will look for cars that he can use for a long period of time but don’t require him an astronomical amount of loan.

There are lots of car manufacturers that offer affordable monthly payment and various choices of quota that fits his budget.

2. Parts. Having a reliable and stable supply of parts for your vehicle can go a long way.

Choosing an automobile with high-quality parts benefits the buyer in the long run. A good combination of speed, efficiency, and comfort should be the priorities in choosing a car.

3. Fuel-efficiency. In today’s day and age, having a fuel-efficient vehicle benefits you and everyone around you.

Using an environment-friendly automobile not only helps car owners do their part in protecting and conserving our surroundings but also saves money for better mileage.

Putting your money on a fuel-efficient car is a good bargain on your finances but also for the world’s future.

4. Space. Millennials are fond of traveling or having a spontaneous joyride with their friends and family. Kerwin, who always looks for quick getaways for some relaxation, is looking for cars that will let him have a comfortable ride to his destination.

Many car manufacturers have already provided cars that are spacious and comfortable — whether it’s for extra storage for baggage or for people who you want to tag along with you on your trip.


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