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Palace condemns slay of radioman in Pangasinan

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Malacañang condemned the killing of Pangasinan radio broadcaster Virgilio Maganes in Villasis, Pangasinan and vowed to punish those responsible behind the killing.

Presidential Communications Operations Office Secretary and Presidential Task Force on Media Security Co-Chair Martin Andanar directed PTFoms Executive Director Joel Egco to immediately act on the killing of the broadcaster journalist.

“We are deeply saddened by the untimely death of Virgilio Maganes and extend our sincerest condolences to his family,” Andanar said in a statement.

The radio broadcaster was shot dead by two unidentified men on board a motorcycle in Sitio Licsab in Barangay San Blas in Villasis, Pangasinan, Tuesday morning.

Police report said that the victim, Maganes, was about to enter his house when he was shot six times by the assailants at 6:30 a.m. He died from a bullet in the head.

The suspects immediately fled after the incident.

Maganes was also a survivor of an earlier attack wherein unidentified gunmen also shot at him and left a cardboard sign with "Drug Pusher, Huwag Pamarisan." Maganes is the 18th journalist killed under the Duterte administration.

“Kabataan condemns this addition to the spate of killings of media workers under the Duterte administration,” the group said.

Describing it as an act of cowardice, Malacañang strongly condemned the killing of Maganes and vows to hunt down and punish those responsible.

Initial reports gathered by the Presidential Task Force on Media Security revealed that Maganes was shot several times at around 6:45 am while walking near his home in Licsab, Brgy. San Blas, Villasis, Pangasinan by two unidentified motorcycle “riding-in-tandem” gunmen.

Maganes, a veteran broadcaster of DWPR Radio Station Dagupan City, just turned 62 last November 7. He was pronounced dead-on-the-spot. Investigators recovered six (6) empty shells from a caliber .45 from the crime scene.

“We are deeply saddened by the untimely death of Virgilio Maganes and extend our sincerest condolences to his family. This administration condemns any type of killing, especially those in the media. I have directed PTFoMS Executive Director Undersecretary Joel Egco to swiftly act on this and personally handle this matter," Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) Secretary and PTFoMS Co-Chair Martin Andanar said.

The Palace official also directed the Philippine National Police to go after the perpetrators and masterminds in the killing and bring them to justice.

The PTFoMS chief was immediately informed of the incident just a few minutes after it happened. He then alerted PNP PRO1 Brig, Gen. Rodolfo Azurin Jr. and the loca PNP officials.

Egco, for his part, said they are looking at all angles to determine the motive for the killing. "PTFoMS is on top of the situation and is closely coordinating with Maganes' family, friends and local police

officials to learn more details about the incident. In fact, I will oversee the investigation personally and conduct case conference before visiting the wake,” Egco added.

Maganes was a personal friend of Egco.

“This cowardly killing in the midst of a pandemic is unforgivable. We will get to the bottom of this and will stop at nothing in identifying and hunting down the people behind this despicable crime. It will be just a matter of time before these murderers will be brought to justice,”the Task Force chief said.

Maganes had survived an earlier attempt on his life last November 8, 2016 by feigning death. Through the efforts of PTFoMS, a frustrated murder charge was filed in court against one of the suspects but was later on dismissed on the basis of an Affidavit of Desistance executed by Maganes.

It is the mandate of the PTFoMS to ensure the safety and security ofmedia workers. The task force initially presumes all forms of violence against media workers to be work-related until further investigation proves otherwise.

Meanwhile, the National Union of Journalists condemned the killing of Maganes.

The victim is the 18th journalist murdered during the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte and the 190th since 1986, according to the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines.

The NUJP also said that Maganes' death "is an indictment on this government's empty boast that press freedom is alive and well in the country."

The National Press Club also made the same statement, saying the murder highlighted the urgent call for newly-installed National police chief Maj. Gen. Debold Sinas to prioritize the resolution of cases involving attacks against the media.

“We condemn the cold-blooded murder of our fellow journalist, Virgilio Maganes, early today, occurring as it did at a time when all of us remain under threat from the COVID-19 pandemic,” said NPC president Paul Gutierrez.

“We call on the government to act with swiftness in having those behind this dastardly act identified and prosecuted,” he added.

It was the second slay try on Maganes since last year, said his cousin, Ernie Sarmiento, a Manila-based photojournalist.

Police said Maganes was about to enter his residential compound when the killer fired six times at him. The victim sustained four gunshot wounds in the head and body.

The latest killing happened a week after the International Day to End Impunity for Crime Against Journalists.

The NPC said that Maganes, a local journalist and broadcaster, was the second member of the local press killed even as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage in the country.

The NUJP asked the authorities to work fast to solve Maganes' case, saying the killing could be related to the botched attempt on his life on Nov. 8, 2016, when motorcycle-riding gunmen fired at him as he rode a tricycle.

"Even as we mourn the loss of a colleague and extend our heartfelt sympathies to all those he left behind, the community of independent Filipino journalists shall not let his death be in vain," the group said.

It added "We will continue to seek justice for Vir and all our other fallen colleagues as we continue our struggle for genuine freedom of the press and of expression in our country."


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