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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Economists, market gurus to hold confab

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The Global Filipino Investors Inc. is bringing together powerhouse economists and stock market gurus in one virtual conference to teach Filipinos how to invest as the country charts its path to be one of the leading emerging markets in the post-COVID era.TGFI chairman and Januarius Holdings Inc. chief executive JJ Atencio said the two-day conference scheduled next month would tackle the relevance of investing in bonds and stocks to the Philippine economy recovering from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

He said Filipinos should look beyond the challenges of the present situation and let the national leaders and health authorities worry about the global crisis.

TGFI president Floi Wycoco said the free TGFI Bonds and Stocks Online Conference 2020 will serve as a reminder that there are still people out there who are generous enough to help others.

“It also makes sense to conduct this event now while the PSEI is still in its correction phase, bonds can work as a way to protect the unrealized loss encountered during this phase so our goal is to let our attendees understand the purpose of being diversified especially in times such as the world is in today,” Wycoco said.

For details of the program, speakers, and to register for free just go to


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