29.6 C
Monday, June 17, 2024

Filipinos abroad with COVID-19 now at 9,893

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The Department of Foreign Affairs said Sunday the number of Filipinos abroad who had tested positive for the coronavirus disease 2019 had increased to 9,893 following reports of 15 new infections.

In a statement, the department also said 19 more patients had recovered from COVID-19, bringing the total to 5,842, while three more fatalities brought the death toll to 725.

“Compared to last week’s percentages, the total number of Filipinos who have recovered from COVID-19 slightly decreased to 59.09 percent of the total confirmed cases,” the department said.

“Those who are under treatment increased to 33.62 percent. Meanwhile, the percentage of the fatalities among the COVID-19-affected Filipinos abroad remains at seven percent.”

The department says a total of 3,326 patients are undergoing treatment. It says there are a total of 1,064 cases in Asia and the Pacific with 349 patients undergoing treatment. A total of 707 recoveries and eight fatalities have been recorded in the region.

The Middle East or Africa, meanwhile, reported a total of 6,892 cases with 2,326 patients undergoing treatment, 4,122 recovering and 444 dying.

In Europe, there were a total of 1,146 cases of whom 492 were undergoing treatment, 559 had recovered and 95 had died.

Meanwhile, there were a total of 791 cases in the Americas, where 159 were undergoing treatment, 454 had recovered and 178 had died.


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