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Sunday, June 9, 2024

Matteo feels amazing being married to Sarah

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Matteo feels amazing being married to SarahAlmost three months since Matteo Guidicelli tied the knot with pop queen Sarah Geronimo, the singer and actor updated his fans on his current status and how he enjoys being on a lockdown, which appears to be their extended honeymoon.

In a recent online interview, the 30-year-old former kart racer said that he feels great and amazing alluding to his current status.

“We’re doing well at present. Since we got hitched, I can say is that everything’s okay. We’re still in the process of discovering a lot more about each other as each day passes by,” he starts. 

Matteo feels amazing being married to Sarah
Matteo Guidicelli is doing well adjusting to married life with Sarah Geronimo.

“Well, it’s amazing. I would recommend it to all my friends! Ha-ha-ha! I’ve already talked with some of my batch mates and they asked me how I am doing now that I’m in this phase in my life. I told them to get married, too,” he carries on.

Matteo admits he is enjoying their “extended honeymoon” due to the Enhanced Community Quarantine being implemented due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many ask as to how he is adjusting to their new household arrangement. 

“It feels good being home, being with the family especially in my case that I just got married. Being with my wife, in a way, is a blessing in disguise. We have what you may call an extended honeymoon. It’s a time when we’re locked in our place and as I’ve mentioned earlier, we’re given enough time to know each other better, every single day,” he shares.

“I don’t know, maybe I’m just in my honeymoon stage. You see, I’m at the beginning of my marriage, but it’s amazing to wake up, sleep beside the person you love the most. It’s simply great,” he adds.

Matteo believes that getting married is one of the best decisions he has done in life. He says that it makes him learn about himself so much more. It also makes him learn about humility.

“With the status I’m currently in, you really learn how to balance, how to just give in, how to agree. You learn to be patient. It’s really a nice phase,” he points out.

During this quarantine period, Matteo also reveals that he’s engaged in various activities to keep himself busy. He’s been reading the Bible more often now. 

“Before you are told to read the Bible and you open and read a page or so. But now, it has become part of my routine, to open and read the Word of God. Apart from that, I also read various types of books. I get to cook more as well. There are many things that are going on even if you’re just in the confines of your abode,” he states. 

* * *

According to Julia Baretto, gone are the days when she’s very much conscious about her showbiz image.

At this point, she’s “going to be me.”

“I don’t want to sacrifice my freedom as a person just because I’m afraid of who I’m going to disappoint or who I’m going to upset. I don’t put an effort anymore to put a façade to satisfy the image that people have for me in their heads. If my true self doesn’t match the image they have on me, it’s not my problem anymore,” she says. 

The young star recalls that she was very careful of her image when she was just starting in the industry.

Matteo feels amazing being married to Sarah
Julia Barretto takes a bolder step by promoting self-love. 

“When I was younger, I would say it made me so stiff. It made me become careful of the things that I always say or like or how I present myself. Actually, I felt that I was in a trap. For celebrities, it comes so naturally to always think what public perception would be, what they would say. It’s like, automatic. It’s like part of us already and it’s so hard to get yourself out of the trap.”

For Julia, it’s high time to be transparent.


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