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SNAP shares World Work Safety Day awareness

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Santiago City—In recognition of the challenges among the workers across the globe are facing, SN Aboitiz Power (SNAP) Groups joins in the celebration of World Day for Safety and Health at Work on April 28 with continuing efforts to protect its employees and host communities from the threat of COVID-19 pandemic.

SNAP shares World Work Safety Day awareness

SNAP President and CEO Joseph S. Yu said we not only want to keep our team members safe from workplace risks and threats we are accustomed to.

“We want them to be equipped for the challenges the pandemic outbreak of infectious diseases has brought to the workplace,” Yu stressed.

SNAP rolled out COVID-19 protocols in February by implementing regular and thorough disinfection, temperature checks, and a series of information and awareness campaigns covering COVID-19 across all sites.

In a statement of the renewable energy solutions provider SN Aboitiz Power (SNAP) Group, as of March 31, 2020, SNAP-Benguet and SNAP-Magat have worked 4,443,041 and 1,543,471 injury-free work-hours, respectively.

SNAP’s Benguet and Magat plants initiated lockdown operations on March 19, 2020 as a measure when the government imposed the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) on March 16, 2020 in Luzon.

Skeleton teams of essential workers operate and maintain SNAP's four plants to ensure unimpeded supply of electricity and ancillary services to front liners and to every home during this crisis.

While on lockdown, employees undergo regular body temperature checks. Foot baths, hand sanitizers, and alcohol were also installed at entrances. The facilities also have gym equipment for the team’s physical fitness. Safety measures were strategically organized including “socially distant” work stations, transportation, food, PPEs, and administrative controls. SNAP established a safe haven—food, hygiene, and medical supplies good for 28 days to ensure a self-sufficient and safe workplace.

Already existing Work-From-Home arrangements were modified for those whose work allowed remote performance. Initiatives such as clock-off reminders, emotional support clubs, "e-Get-Togethers" and pulse surveys are organized for employees’ mental health, morale, and engagement.

SNAP also extends this culture of health and safety to host communities and other beneficiaries. As of writing, around PhP11 million worth of food aid and medical aid has been mobilized as COVID-response for host communities in Benguet, Ifugao, Isabela, and Nueva Vizcaya.

SNAP employees also launched personal fund-raising projects (or participated in such) to support frontliners, no-work-no-pay outsourced personnel, and neighbors in need.

With the announcement of the quarantine extension until May 15, 2020 in certain areas including Metro Manila, SNAP will carry on and do its part in flattening the curve.

“We are also continually looking at new ways to promote and ensure physical and mental safety among our employees while on ECQ. We are also getting prepared for a recovery plan that includes stringent precautionary measures and phasing procedures to ease our employees into what is sure to be a new normal,” Yu added.

As of April 28, 2020, both plants remain in lockdown operations, while teams at its management services office in Taguig are still working from home.

SNAP Group is a joint venture between SN Power of Norway and AboitizPower. It supplies clean, renewable and dependable energy through the operation of the 105-megawatt (MW) Ambuklao hydro, and the 140-MW Binga hydro in the province of Benguet.

SNAP also operates the 8.5-megawatt Maris hydro in Isabela, as well as the newly uprated 360- to 388-MW Magat hydro on the border of Isabela and Ifugao.


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