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Sunday, June 16, 2024

After calls for Duque’s resignation, health advocates urge government unity in fighting COVID-19

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In the aftermath of the Senate Resolution seeking the resignation of Health Secretary Francisco Duque III and President Rodrigo Duterte’s subsequent decision to retain him, health advocates from civil society organizations, medical groups, and the private sector urged government to instead focus on working together to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The extreme challenges posed by this unprecedented pandemic require a comprehensive response that is not only confined to the DOH. It involves all of society, and with it, all branches of government, including the legislative branch. We all need to step up. We, therefore, ask our leaders to lay their differences aside and forge ahead with us – public and private healthcare workers, and health advocates–to fight this war together, separated by space, but united in spirit to protect our beloved nation,” the statement read.

The groups commended the members of the Department of Health (DOH) that have worked tirelessly since the start of the pandemic, with some even developing COVID-19 themselves. However, they admitted that the DOH’s response has been constrained by decades-long problems in the health care system, including the maldistribution of health human resources, institutional capacity, bureaucratic processes, facility preparedness, and funding.

“The recent Senate resolution should compel DOH leadership and all attached agencies and Bureaus to fast-track implementation of long-overdue internal reforms needed to reenergize the institution into a unified, solid, and effective fighting force against COVID-19 while ensuring delivery of essential non-COVID health services. Integrated programs at the primary care level are necessary for the delivery of essential services,” the groups stated.

Furthermore, the health advocates called for the DOH to put a premium on effective communication strategies, and the provision of real-time information.

The private sector and civil society groups said that they will remain vigilant and advocate the reforms that will institutionally strengthen the DOH and its service delivery.

“The situation calls for solidarity, even as we remain vigilant in holding our leaders accountable–without necessarily casting blame, otherwise our bureaucracy will crumble under the weight of the pandemic,” the groups said.

“Disagreements about science and policy will be inevitable, but then we must scrutinize the available evidence, arrive at consensus and quickly rally on our agreements, to continue the battle against the real enemy, COVID-19,” they added.

Among the signatories of the statement are organizations Philippine Medical Association, 2030 Youth Force in the Philippines, Inc., Action for Economic Reforms, Action on Smoking & Health Philippines Inc. (ASH), Alaga Health, ANG NARS, Asia Pacific Center for Evidence Based Health Care (APCEBH), Consolidated Council of Health and Allied Profession (CCHAP-PSLINK), Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Alliance, Philippines (FCAP), Galing Pook, Happy Hour Philippines, Health Justice Philippines, JCI-Lakambini Davao, National Public Workers Congress (PUBLIK), New Vois Association of the Philippines (NVAP), One for Nursing Empowerment Philippines, Philippine Society of Private Midwife Clinic Owners Inc-Davao, Project Duyan for Sustainable Geriatric Health, Public Services Labor Independent Confederation (PSLINK), Rights, Inc., The Mayari Movement, United Healthcare Org of the Philippines (UHOP), Women Action Network in Development (WAND), and individuals Maricar Limpin, MD, Rogelio V Dazo Jr, MD, Alex Padilla, and Dexter Galban.


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