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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

‘Lift lockdowns in 2-week stages’

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Geneva—Countries that ease restrictions imposed to fight the spread of the coronavirus should wait at least two weeks to evaluate the impact of such changes before easing again, the World Health Organization said on Wednesday.

The Geneva-based global health organization issued its advice at a time when it has come under criticism from the United States for its initial response to the pandemic.

President Donald Trump said on Tuesday Washington, the WHO's biggest donor, would suspend funding. 

In its latest Strategy Update, the United Nations agency said the world stands at a "pivotal juncture" in the pandemic and that "speed, scale, and equity must be our guiding principles" when deciding what measures are necessary.

Every country should implement comprehensive public health measures to maintain a sustainable steady state of low-level or no transmission and prepare its surge capacity to react rapidly to control any spread, the WHO said.

Some of the countries hardest-hit by the virus are now considering lifting lockdowns and beginning the transition toward a resumption of normal life.

The WHO update said any such steps should be taken gradually, with time to evaluate their impact before new steps are taken.

"To reduce the risk of new outbreaks, measures should be lifted in a phased, step-wise manner based on an assessment of the epidemiological risks and socioeconomic benefits of lifting restrictions on different workplaces, educational institutions, and social activities…," the WHO said.

"Ideally there would be a minimum of 2 weeks [corresponding to the incubation period of COVID-19] between each phase of the transition, to allow sufficient time to understand the risk of new outbreaks and to respond appropriately," it added.

It warned that the "risk of re-introduction and resurgence of the disease will continue."


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