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Monday, April 29, 2024

Looking for the nearest hospital? COVID-19 information? Let Yani the chatbot help you

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Meet Yani, the newest AI member of the UP COVID-19 Pandemic Response Team.

Short for baYANIhan and named in honor of our heroes in the fight against COVID-19, Yani is ready to help you find the information you need — from the nearest hospitals, psychosocial support, or policy information.

Yani is ready to chat every time you visit and can converse both in English and Filipino.

The University of the Philippines COVID-19 Pandemic Response Team created the web portal to provide the public with vital information for fighting the novel coronavirus disease.

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The website features a highly detailed map wherein users can zoom in or zoom out to see street or satellite views of the general locations and numbers of COVID-19 cases, hospitals, quarantine checkpoints, and other usable data inputted by UP Resilience Institute staff.

The easy-to-use map also has a color-coded “heat map” showing which localized areas have the most (darker areas) and the least (brighter areas) number of confirmed COVID-19 cases.

The team was created on March 19 through an administrative order as one of the University’s response in support of the ongoing efforts to address the COVID-19 pandemic.

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