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Monday, June 3, 2024

Online streaming platform assists in ensuring internet stability in the country

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Following its initiatives in the European Union to ease the pressure on network infrastructure, online streaming platform, Netflix, in a letter to the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), said that it will be reducing bitrates across all of its streams in the Philippines.

Netflix said that the measure will reduce the overall amount of its bandwidth use by around 25%.

The streaming platform assured the public that the full range of video resolutions per type of subscription will be maintained. Netflix will keep the measure in place for 30 days and will re-evaluate come the deadline.

NTC said that this measure will help free-up bandwidth that could be allocated towards other vital online services. This is until public telecommunications entities (PTEs), Internet service providers (ISPs), and value-added service providers (VASPs) can fully adapt to the demand for streaming services.

Such action is in line with the Department of Information and Communications Technology’s (DICT) directive for the NTC to ensure consistent and reliable telecommunication services and sufficient bandwidth allocation across government and private sectors during the COVID-19 public health emergency.

The DICT lauds this initiative by the private sector as it would undoubtedly assist in the government's efforts to improve the quality of service to the people especially during the public health emergency crisis.  With this, it is hoped that other online streaming platforms, such as Facebook, Youtube, Amazon, iFlix, and others, will follow suit and adopt similar measures to help improve connectivity, alleviate potential network congestion, and reduce the strain on the network infrastructure of the country.


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