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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

GMA Network supports frontliners, ordinary Filipinos via  ‘Operation Bayanihan COVID-19’

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GMA Network rolls out various efforts to extend support to its employees, frontliners, and Filipinos in need during the Luzon-wide enhanced community quarantine to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.

 ‘Operation Bayanihan’ is a fund raising drive that aims to help the network’s artists and employees, and Filipinos in poverty stricken areas in Metro Manila.

The network, which recently announced that it will provide financial assistance for Kapuso employees, talents, and support personnel, has earmarked an estimate of P350 million to cover the salaries, cash equivalent of rice benefits, and cash advances while operating on a skeletal work force and adapting special work arrangements.

GMA Kapuso Foundation (GMAKF), the broadcast giant’s socio-civic arm, also launched the ‘Labanan ang COVID-19’ campaign for the workers at the front lines in the fight against COVID-19. The funds raised are to be used to purchase face masks, rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizers, and gloves for medical workers of public government hospitals and frontliners at the border points.

Also under the said campaign is the ‘Operation Bayanihan: COVID-19’ fund raising drive which aims to help Filipinos in poverty stricken areas in Metro Manila. Grocery packs and hygiene kits will be donated to daily wage earners and their families who lack the means to access basic needs and have lost their source of income following the quarantine


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