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Monday, June 17, 2024

Think before you click

"Thoughtless posts contribute to the panic."

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This phrase was uttered by my batchmate at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines Laboratory High School, Rommel de Guzman, to warn other members in our chat group against posting without verifying news and commentaries regarding updates on COVID-19 which later turn out to be fake. Instead of helping propagate information on how to combat this dreaded virus, such posts contribute more to panic and alarm among us.

But while Mel’s intention was to counter the proliferation of fake news, particularly among our group, I think the phrase could also apply to our leaders, who, in their enthusiasm to defeat the virus, sometimes come up with ill-advised action. Plan of action called for immediate implementation without being assessed for its possible repercussion.

Take the case the 72-hour window President Rodrigo Duterte earlier declared for individuals departing for overseas. Apparently, the President was ill-advised on this matter as instead of helping contain the contagion, it could have helped spread it drastically, what with all those scheduled to depart, trooping to the airports to have their flights rebooked within the window period. If there was one carrier among those who stormed the airports that, it could have caused more damage than good.

It was a good thing that the Inter-Agency Task Force, through the intercession of the Department of Tourism, he Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Labor and Employment, reconsidered its decision and lifted the 72-hour window for individuals departing overseas.

Now, OFWs, balikbayans, and foreign nationals will be allowed to leave at any time during the Enhanced Community Quarantine in Luzon, provided they travel only to the airport within 24 hours of the date and time of their departure. Outgoing passengers must provide documents of their departure, such as an electronic ticket or flight itinerary.

However, Filipino citizens are still not allowed to take outbound international flight to countries where travel restrictions are in place. 

Outbound passengers may be accompanied only by one companion/driver to and from the airport, who shall likewise carry a copy of such e-ticket or itinerary. 

Aside from the Travel Restrictions, hotels and similar establishments shall remain closed under the guidelines of the Luzon-wide enhanced community quarantine, except for the following: (a) those with foreign guests that have existing booking accommodations as of March 17, 2020; (bb)those with checked-in guests on long-term leases; and,

(c) those accommodating employees from exempted establishments under the provisions of the March 16, 2020 Memorandum from the Executive secretary.

To assist tourist, the DOT has created a Tourism Airport Team to provide 24-hour service to tourists at airport including assistance in arranging flights, securing bookings, transportation, meals and accommodation. DOT is in close collaboration with local government unit officers, local airport staff and the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines  for this effort.

The Regional Offices of DOT have been proactive in informing tourism stakeholders such as hotels, island resorts, tour operators and local government units to communicate the intensified travel restrictions of the Enhanced Community Quarantine to foreign tourists in each destination, especially those in remote islands.

Well, while the initial approach regarding the departing passengers might  not have been well-thought of, clicking on the implementation button even before it was given time to be assessed, at least DOT’s subsequent reaction was carefully well-laid.

* * *

Just in time.

While Boracay to date remains COVID-19-free (and we pray it stays that way), the local government of Malay, Aklan has imposed a 14-day quarantine for everyone entering the island.

Malay Mayor Frolibar Bautista, through Executive Order 013, directed the implementation of the mandatory 14-day quarantine period that will start this coming Sunday for all persons entering the town.

Fortunately for the Island of Boracay, hour before President Duterte actually placed Metro Manila under community quarantine last week, the DOT unveiled its partnership with the MVP Group of Companies to enhance the island’s hospital facilities, and assist in maintaining hygiene for its visitors. 

In support of the Department of Health’s call for personal hygiene, the DOT partnered with the MVP Group of Companies—pecifically SMART, the PLDT-Smart Foundation, and the Metro Pacific Foundation – for its Tulong Kapatid Program.

As part of its social responsibility, the consortium of the MVP Group of Companies donated 60 automated sensor hand sanitizers to the hospital, airport, seaport terminals, and other public places in the island. 

Makati Medical Foundation and its private sector partners donated medical equipment that will level up the Ciriaco S. Tirol Hospital from an infirmary to a level 1 trauma hospital. Long-term trainings and technology transfer will also be conducted, including the implementation of a Pandemic Preparedness Program to help bring back tourism confidence here in Boracay from a health security perspective.

Smart Communications earlier provided Boracay and other DOT Regional Offices with mobile SAT phones, which aids communication during calamities or other emergencies when the normal 2G signal and internet network are down.

The island may still be COVID-19-free, but with the help of DOT and the MVP Group of Companies’ Tulong Kapatid, Boracay is now ready to respond should such situation arise. 

Just hoping that the need to respond on such occasion won’t happen.


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