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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Protecting yourself against scams online

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We are in the world where billions of information is being served to us online on a daily basis. Many of us turn to social media not just to connect with friends and family, but also to engage with communities that share our interests. Beyond social connections, digital platforms have become vital for businesses, offering tools that allow companies to reach audiences around the globe with just a few clicks.

Similarly, online educational platforms have transformed the way we learn, breaking down geographical barriers and making knowledge accessible to anyone with an internet connection. These platforms provide a wide array of learning opportunities, from formal courses offered by universities to informal tutorials that cater to everyday needs and hobbies. This digital revolution has made it possible for anyone to enhance their skills, pursue new careers, or simply learn something new at their own pace and convenience.

SmarTrade, a leading financial education provider in the Philippines, has been at the forefront of this revolution, empowering countless individuals to make informed financial decisions through online learning sessions and personalized coaching. Unfortunately, the company’s success has also attracted scammers, who pose as representatives of SmarTrade to exploit those who are interested in the brand.

SmarTrade offers online and face to face learning sessions all for free.  In photo is SmarTrade Market Analyst Gab Santos during a recent session on “Mastering Online Trading: Effective Money Management Strategies and MT4 Platform Navigation” held at the SmarTrade office in Makati City.  

Online misrepresentation is a growing concern, especially in industries dealing with finance. As you browse social media, there are many accounts that use other people’s identity to scam other people. These imposters create fake profiles and send professional-looking messages or emails that mimic legitimate companies.

Imagine receiving a message on Facebook Messenger that looks like it’s from SmarTrade, offering an exclusive chance to learn trading secrets for a small fee.  Sounds tempting, right? But when you pay, the promised tips never materialize, and your personal information might be compromised.

This is where caution comes in.  Should you check SmarTrade’s official social media accounts and website, it is explicitly stated that the learning sessions and personalized one-on-one coaching are all free. Any request for payment, investment, or a promise of lucrative return for such services is a clear red flag and likely a scam.

SmarTrade shares these tips to help you shield yourself from scams.

·         Always double-check who you’re dealing with. Reach out through official channels you find directly on the company’s website.  If an offer sounds too good to be true, it’s almost certainly fake.  When in doubt, call the customer service number listed on the website to confirm any communication.

·         Never share your personal information unless you’re sure of the recipient’s authenticity. Be particularly wary of requests for sensitive details like your bank account information, personal information like your birthday, or one-time passwords.

·         Learn how to recognize phishing attempts. Be cautious with emails or messages that urge immediate action, contain suspicious links, or ask for personal information.

·         Remember that online scams can take many forms, so be wary of unsolicited investment opportunities, unrealistic giveaways, or any offer that seems too good to be true.

·         If you suspect that you have been approached by a scammer, report it to the relevant authorities as well as the company they say they represent. This not only helps you but also assists in preventing further scams.

In our digital world today, staying vigilant and informed is key. By adopting these practical measures, you can enjoy the vast benefits of digital platforms while safeguarding your personal and financial well-being.

Remember, the best defense against scams is a proactive approach. Educate yourself, question motives of people you barely know that involve any financial transactions, and always prioritize security in your online interactions.

Let’s work together to create a safer digital environment for everyone. To learn more about SmarTrade and access its online resources, visit and follow its official social media channels at and

SmarTrade advises people to be wary of unsolicited investment opportunities, unrealistic giveaways, or any offer that seems too good to be true and those that offer guaranteed returns in little time.


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