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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

It’s a Gen Z Thing

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Why affordable, durable older phones
are making a comeback

In a tech landscape dominated by the latest advancements, a surprising trend is emerging among Gen Z: a preference for older, low-tech mobile phones over modern smartphones. This phenomenon is sparking discussions about the reasons behind this shift and its implications for the future of technology.

One significant factor driving this trend is social media burnout. With studies showing the negative impacts of excessive online presence, particularly on platforms like social media, many young individuals are seeking respite from the constant digital connectivity offered by smartphones.

Privacy concerns also play a role in this preference. Older phones, devoid of pre-installed apps and intrusive surveys, offer users a simpler and potentially safer experience compared to their modern counterparts.

Many factors have been causing older phone models to be more popular among the younger generations

Durability is another key consideration. While modern smartphones are designed with resilience in mind, some Gen Zers value the ruggedness and extended battery life of older models, which can withstand the rigors of everyday use.

Additionally, sustainability and affordability are driving factors. Some members of Gen Z are choosing to inherit functional low-tech phones from previous generations rather than purchasing expensive smartphones that require frequent upgrades.

As cutting-edge technology continues to dazzle, a rising trend among Gen Z suggests a longing for simpler times and a preference for practical, sustainable choices. Nonetheless, Gen Z can remain connected through Smart’s prepaid and postpaid plans. With prepaid offers providing unlimited calls and texts to all networks for up to 7 days, and Signature Plans+ including them in the base plan, staying connected is both simple and affordable


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