28.5 C
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

#ANONGBALITA Going commando ‘indecent’ amid heat wave — doc

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Going “commando” or not wearing underwear Filipino women amid the extreme heat is indecent, said a former president of the Philippine College of Physicians (PCP).

Dr. Anthony Leachon, also a former Department of Health consultant, stressed “it’s not universally accepted as a public health measure.”

“How about the men?” asked Leachon, also a health reform advocate.

He pointed out that people need serious answers amid the intense heat Filipinos are experiencing.

He said the proposal to skip wearing panties when women stay at home or go to sleep is “a low point in health debates.”

“How elegant naman this topic,” taunted Leachon. “What’s happening to our country? Is this our answer to the existential threat of global warming?”

Former Health Secretary Janette Garin on Tuesday advised women, especially if they are just staying at home, to just go commando.

“No malice. But if you are just at home and sleeping, and it is terribly hot, it’s quite advisable not to wear underwear if you are wearing pajamas or shorts,” said Garin, a physician and House Deputy Majority Leader and Iloilo representative.

“The ventilation will be effective against fungal infection,” she added.


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