28.5 C
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Criminal raps filed vs M/T Princess Empress owners, others over Mindoro oil spill

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The Department of Justice on Wednesday approved the criminal indictment of individuals responsible for the sinking of the M/T Princess Empress on Feb. 28, 2023, which led to a significant oil spill along the coast of Oriental Mindoro.

In a resolution, state prosecutors found probable cause to file criminal charges against RDC Reield Marine Services, Inc., the shipping company that owns and operates M/T Princess Empress, its corporate officers, certain employees, 19 Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) personnel, and two Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) personnel.

The DOJ panel also held liable an individual for committing multiple counts of falsification by private individual, multiple use of falsified documents punishable under Article 172 in relation to Article 171(2) of the Revised Penal Code (RPC), and multiple counts of falsification of public or official Documents under Article 171(4) of the RPC, as amended.

The National Bureau of Investigation-Environmental Crime Division (NBI-ECD) and Mayor Jennifer Cruz of Palo, Oriental Mindoro filed the complaint last June 2023.

Following a comprehensive evaluation of affidavits and evidence, the DOJ prosecutors uncovered irregularities in certain documents related to the construction and certificate of public convenience of M/T Princess Empress.

The panel also found that RDC Reield Marine Services, Inc. submitted falsified documents, including a Construction Certificate and Affidavit of Ownership. But the charges against the other respondents have been recommended for dismissal due to a lack of probable cause.

Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla assured that those responsible for the oil spill will be held accountable. “Negligence cannot be used as an excuse to destroy the environment and livelihood of people,” he said.

“It is important to be diligent on land and on our waters,” Remulla stressed.


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