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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Unleashing the creative self: A journey through art and self-discovery

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Another session we had for the Integral Human Development course was given by Ms. Rosanne Araneta. Her presentation on artistic and creative development was nothing short of transformative.

She introduced herself as a fire walker, flow code coach, reiki and NLP master practitioner, a Latin dance sport champion, watercolorist, calligrapher, co-owner of The Little Apprentice Preschool and the author of “The Book Full of Purpose.” Her diverse background immediately intrigued me, and I eagerly anticipated what she had to say about creativity.

Ms. Rosanne commenced her talk by delving into the essence of creativity. She eloquently pointed out that creativity is not some elusive talent reserved for the chosen few; it’s within all of us.

Her words resonated deeply with me, as I had often doubted my creative abilities. She emphasized that even simple activities like drawing on a piece of paper or folding it to create something can be incredibly creative. All we need is to tap into our imagination, an abundant resource waiting to be explored.

We engaged in an interactive exercise where we were asked to draw 20 round or circular things. It seemed like a child’s play, but as we shared our creations, I was amazed at the diversity of interpretations.

Ms. Rosanne further illustrated her point by showcasing Mark Rothko’s seemingly simple colored artworks worth millions of dollars. It was a testament to the subjective nature of art and how people’s perceptions can make even the simplest creations immensely valuable. Creativity combined with art, as she emphasized, has the potential to be incredibly powerful.

The list of ways to enhance one’s creativity that Ms. Rosanne shared was a treasure trove of practical advice. I nodded in agreement as she mentioned activities like reading, traveling and letting go. Her emphasis on the importance of doodling and decluttering as creative practices resonated deeply with me. The concept of “play” as a crucial element of creativity reminded me of the joy I used to find in simple, imaginative activities as a child.

Ms. Rosanne also encouraged us to connect with others to boost our creativity. This idea intrigued me, as I often viewed creativity as a solitary endeavor.

However, she stressed the significance of collaboration and how bouncing ideas off others can lead to innovative breakthroughs. It made me reconsider my approach to creative projects, and I resolved to be more open to collaboration in the future.

The final activity, where we traced our hands on a piece of paper and transformed them into 3-dimensional works of art, was an eye-opener. As I carefully drew the lines to give my hand depth and dimension, I realized I could create something beautiful. It was a moment of self-discovery that left me with a sense of accomplishment. Ms. Rosanne’s guidance and encouragement made me understand that creativity is not confined to traditional art forms; it’s a way of thinking and approaching life.

Ms. Rosanne’s presentation and the activities she led us through made me reflect on the importance of being creative on a personal level. Creativity is not merely about producing art; it’s a mindset that can enrich our lives in various ways. It fosters problem-solving skills, enhances our ability to adapt to change and opens doors to innovative thinking. Creativity is the key to staying relevant and thriving in various aspects of life in a constantly evolving world.

As I look back on Ms. Rosanne’s talk and the Integral Human Development course, I realize its profound impact on my thinking and future practice. I’ve learned that creativity is not a distant muse but an integral part of my being.

I intend to apply the insights I’ve gained to my personal and professional life, approaching challenges with a more creative mindset. I’ll read more, travel to experience new cultures and engage with others to foster collaboration. I’ll embrace the concept of play and learn to let go, allowing my creativity to flourish.

I now understand that creativity is not limited to a select few; it’s a universal gift waiting to be unwrapped. Through her guidance, I’ve learned to appreciate the power of art and the myriad ways creativity can enhance our lives. As I move forward, I’ll carry the lessons from this course, nurturing my creative spirit and embracing its endless possibilities.

The author is an MBA student at the Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business of De La Salle University. He wrote this reflection paper for his class on Integral Human Development. He can be reached at

The views expressed above are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official position of DLSU, its faculty and its administrators.

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