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Monday, June 17, 2024

Filipina duathletes reign supreme in Asia tilt at New Clark City

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In a stunning display of athleticism under searing heat, two Filipinas emerged victorious with Erika Burgos and Merry Joy Trupa securing gold and silver medals, respectively, in the standard women’s elite event of the  2023 Asia Triathlon Duathlon Championship at the New Clark City in Capas, Tarlac.

Burgos showcased exceptional resilience under the blistering heat, outrunning Trupa in the final 5km run after the first 10km run and the 40km bike, to claim the gold. The Philippines celebrated a remarkable 1-2 finish, solidifying their dominance in the race.

Indonesia took the subsequent positions, with Maharani Ahzri Wahyuningtyas, Zahra Bulan Aprillia Putri, and Eva Desiana securing third to fifth places.

Despite the challenging conditions, Erika Burgos expressed her determination and the necessity of continuous hydration, emphasizing the absence of shade during the 7 a.m. standard distance race.

In the standard men elite category, Raymund Torio and John Chicano represented the Philippines admirably. Torio, content with his sixth-place finish among 24 competitors, appreciated the opportunity to compete against strong opponents from across Asia.

Chicano, despite enduring pain from a leg injury, acknowledged the invaluable experience gained by racing against some of the world’s best, elevating the Filipino team’s international standing.

Australian Sam Mileham emerged as the men’s elite champion, conquering the 10K run, 40K bike, and 5K run race in 1 hour, 53 minutes, and 7 seconds. His teammate, Matt Smith, secured the bronze medal. Bahrain’s Moussa Karich claimed the silver medal, improving on her previous year’s performance.

Looking ahead, Mileham and Karich set their sights on the 2024 World Triathlon Multisport Championship scheduled for August 15 to 25 in Townsville, Australia, expressing their eagerness to compete again.

In the junior elite women’s category, Jena Valdez displayed remarkable courage after a recent bike crash, defending her title and expressing her determination to win.

The 2023 Asia Triathlon Duathlon Championship showcased not only individual triumphs but also the Philippines’ collective strength, paving the way for future successes in future events of the Triathlon Association of the Philippines.

Elite Men:

Champion: Samuel Mileham (Australia) 1:53.07

2nd: Moussa Karich (Bahrain) 1:54:49

3rd: Matt Smith (Australia) 1:55:19

4th: Mickael Chaumond (Cambodia) 1:55:37

5th: Fumiya Tanaka (Japan) 1:55:47

6th: Raymund Torio (Philippines) 1:56:05

Elite women:

Champion: Erika Burgos (Philippines) 2:17:48

2nd: Merry Joy Trupa (Philippines) 2:18:55

3rd: Maharani Ahzri Wahyuningtyas (Indonesia) 2:21:30

4th: Zahra Bulan Aprillia Putri (Indonesia) 2:23:28

5th: Eva Desiana (Indonesia) 2:24:25

Elite Junior Men

1st: Aidanreed Mercado (Philippines) 1:01:06

2nd: Juan Miguel Tayag (Philippines) 1:01:19

3rd: Jose Mari Tayag (Philippines) 1:03:30

Elite Junior Women

1st: Jena Valdez (Philippines) 1:11:03

2nd: Sophia Kyra Capistrano (Philippines) 1:11:05

3rd: Xuan Jie Ng (Singapore) 1:14:31

(Images by Pet Salvador/Triathlon Association of the Philippines)


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