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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

450 foreigners on BI blacklist for working illegally

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More than 450 foreign nationals will be blacklisted and banned from reentering the country who were petitioned by fake companies and worked illegally in the country, the Bureau of Immigration said Friday.

BI Commissioner Norman Tansingco said the move is part of the agency’s campaign to deport illegal aliens, particularly those who use fake documents to be able to obtain visas.

The BI chief said three consecutive audit reports from their verification and compliance division (VCD) revealed that 459 aliens have been using fake companies in their applications.

“These foreign nationals’ applications were processed using the services of accredited entities, authorized to apply on behalf of the foreign nationals. However, through our audits, we discovered that the companies that petitioned them are spurious,” he added.

Tansingco said at least 79 accredited liaison officers face investigations by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) for the fake modus.

Four BI lawyers are also under investigation in relation to the modus, he revealed. Vito Barcelo

Last week, the BI reported uncovering the modus, prompting a massive investigation into the scheme.

Tansingco said the BI reported it to the Department of Justice, which committed to assist in the investigation through the National Bureau of Investigation.

According to Tansingco, the subject foreign nationals’ visas will be canceled and those inside the country will be ordered to leave and blacklisted.

The audit follows after local law enforcement agencies conducted raids uncovering scam hubs and prostitution dens posing as legitimate companies.

“We are after aliens who falsify or misuse documents. Our drive against illegal aliens remains relentless, and we will continue to run after those who coddle such violators,” he added.


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