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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Pinoy Zoomers: Holistic wellness over big paycheck — PhilCare survey

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In the Philippine’s vibrant and bustling corporate scene, a paradigm shift is unfolding.

Generation Z or zoomers, digital natives born in the late 1990s to the early 2000s, are entering the workforce with a fresh set of priorities and preferences, making it imperative for organizations looking to attract and retain this digitally savvy and health-conscious generation to understand their nuances.

Surprising work priorities

This was revealed in the latest wellness index survey that local HMO leader PhilCare conducted recently. Called “Philippine Workplace: The Rise of Gen Z,” the study is the fifth and latest in the company’s groundbreaking series of nationwide health and wellness studies that started in 2015.

This time PhilCare put the spotlight on Filipino Gen Zs who account for a chunk of the Philippine workforce. The study probed their psyche to discern their work-related inclinations and help make the workplace a healthier, more responsive environment.

The study found that participants put holistic wellness on top of the Gen Z’s work priority list, something that might seem unexpected from older generations.

Eye opener

“It would seem the young workers of today put a premium on their overall physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing as soon as they enter the workforce,” PhilCare Wellness Index Chairman Dr. Enrique Ona noted. “That should be an eye-opener for companies.”

While health is paramount, convenience is not far behind. The Wellness Index found that ease of travel to and from the workplace ranked second in importance when considering a job.

“The days of long, crueling commutes are becoming less appealing,” Dr. Ona added. “The findings hint that Gen Zs place a significant value on work-life balance and the desire for quality of life and wellness. This might be one of the reasons work-from-home setup has become increasingly popular.”

Working to thrive

The study also revealed that Gen Z’s inclination towards health benefits and convenient commutes does not overshadow their pursuit of finding a fulfilling job. Gen Zs ranks job satisfaction third in their work priorities, meaning they actively seek jobs that offer a harmonious blend of personal and professional fulfillment.

While the allure of a hefty paycheck remains undeniable, it’s evident that money isn’t the sole motivator for Gen Zs.

“Zoomers are not just looking for a job, they’re seeking a meaningful career that resonates with their personal and professional goals,” PhilCare Wellness Index lead researcher Dr. Fernando Paragas said. “Their approach to work is holistic, valuing health, convenience, and job satisfaction alongside financial compensation. This generation isn’t just working to live, they’re working to thrive.”

Cusp of new work era

According to PhilCare Chairman of the Board Monico Jacob, it’s the nuanced balance between monetary incentives and other benefits that truly sets Gen Z apart. “Zoomers are pragmatic,” he said. “They understand the importance of stable income, but they’re not willing to sacrifice their health, convenience, or satisfaction purely for financial gains.”

Jacob added that this means as the voice of Gen Zs grows louder in boardrooms and office spaces, employers and organizations must adapt. With the traditional lure of hefty paychecks and lofty titles might not cut it anymore, companies need to reevaluate their value propositions and make strategic adjustments to cater to these evolving priorities.

“In essence, we’re on the cusp of a new work era where holistic considerations take precedence, where health benefits might outweigh a slight pay bump, and where a convenient commute might just seal the deal,” Jacob pointed out.

“As Filipino Gen Zs step confidently into the professional world, they’re not just bringing their skills and talents — they’re bringing a fresh set of expectations. Organizations that recognize and adapt to these changing winds will not only attract top talent but will also pave the way for a more holistic, balanced, and fulfilling work environment.”


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