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Monday, June 17, 2024

Imee says PH, China ties won’t die with ex-Premier Li Keqiang’s death

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SENATOR Imee Marcos has expressed optimism that bilateral relations with China will continue to grow despite the death of former Chinese Premier Li Keqiang last Oct. 26.

Li reportedly suffered a sudden heart attack and passed away after efforts to revive him at the hospital failed. His demise came less than a year after stepping down as China’s premier.

In a statement on Monday, Senator Marcos recalled that during the ASEAN-China Summit held in Cambodia last year, Li told President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. that “what we have in common far outweighs our differences.

“The lens of history, if not Premier Li’s words, should motivate both China and the Philippines to work towards the peaceful and fair settlement of issues in the West Philippines Sea,” the statement added.

The lawmaker also recalled the diplomatic relations established by her father, the late President Ferdinand E. Marcos, with Chairman Mao Zedong in 1974, which helped contained local communist insurgency and also initiated an invaluable friendship with China.

“All ideological differences were set aside in the interest of the more urgent concern of peace,” Marcos said.

“As Asians, we should endeavor, through our uniquely Asian ways so well understood by Premier Li, to overcome our differences and instead share a future of development and peace,” she added, citing Li as a “friend of the Philippines who shall be missed.”

Li served as China’s premier from 2013 to 2023 as the second most powerful member of the ruling Chinese Communist Party from 2012 to 2022.

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. also met with Li in Beijing wherein the latter expressed China’s commitment to work with the Philippines to “better synergize development strategies to promote infrastructure cooperation, continuously deepen economic and trade cooperation, boost bilateral trade, help in achieving food security, among others.”


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