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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Embracing sustainable tech at home

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ACCESSIBILITY and convenience are the primary benefits humans receive from technology. But as the world progresses into modernity, the environment should not be left behind or forgotten.

Without this crucial understanding of environmental preservation, humanity wouldn’t have the natural resources that paved the way for technological innovations. As such, many public and private institutions across the globe are promoting the use of sustainable technology to mitigate the harmful effects of excessive energy use brought about by electronics, appliances, gadgets, and other tech advancements.

There’s still a long way to go before the world can become fully sustainable, and it’ll take everyone’s help to achieve such a feat. Luckily, their contributions can start as close to their comfort zone as possible while significantly impacting society–at home.

Nowadays, tech companies across various industries offer efficient solutions that still provide quality services without compromising the environment, also known as green technology.

LED lights

Green technology is an umbrella term for all technologies and science that produce eco-friendly products and services. It encourages consumers to use clean, renewable energy instead of fossil fuel, recycling, and other similar innovations to reduce the impact of climate change on the environment.

Its primary goal is protecting the environment and reversing previous damage caused by excessive human activities. Fortunately, consumers have much to choose from in the market, depending on the items they need in their homes, thus making the switch to green technology easier.

Examples of green technology in households

One ideal example of green technology implemented in homes across the globe is the installation of solar panels. Since its inception, companies have continuously developed new designs to meet aesthetic preferences and increase the panels’ efficiency.

Solar panels are easy to integrate into any household, provided they’re located in an area with enough sunlight. While some solar panels are easy to install, advanced units may require someone else to do the job. Nonetheless, the panels allow households to harness the sun’s energy to power appliances, electronics, and gadgets.

Moreover, solar panels can help save money on their electrical bills because they’ll rely on natural energy rather than commercial distribution.

Solar panels

In the meantime, homeowners can shift to sustainable fixtures to help their environmental bid and save more from the bills. One example is LED lights, which are efficient, long-lasting, and low-maintenance, making them the ideal sustainable lighting. Their long service life lowers the replacement rate and disposal rates.

While still on the topic of energy, it’s no secret that people nowadays have to charge or plug in many devices they use daily, like mobile phones, to enjoy their full functions. However, leaving them plugged into the socket, especially when not in use, consumes energy even when these items are not in use. Having a smart power strip or wall socket can solve this issue smoothly.

Power strips, or extension cords to some, often come with a button that controls electrical flow. But it’s not always enough. Newer power strips now come with a controlling device that stops energy vampires, with some units’ controllers available on smartphones and connected to WiFi to allow better management. It turns the devices off completely to save the environment and money.

Besides regulating electricity, another sustainable approach homeowners can take is opting for similar gadgets and appliances that help lower a home’s carbon footprint. For instance, refrigerators have long become a staple in every household because they keep perishable items fresh longer. However, there has been some concern recently about fridges that use hazardous substances like CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) or HCFCs (hydrofluorocarbons).

Fortunately, modern refrigerators are more energy efficient. It has many features built into these newer models that reduce energy usage, reducing the amount of power required to keep it running. Some eco-friendly refrigerators have a power-saving mode that powers off the display and its other components. Other refrigeration units also have sensors when the doors are improperly closed to warn users and lessen the energy the appliance uses.

In the meantime, inverter air conditioners also provide sustainable options for a household. One of its primary functions is cooling a room faster and more efficiently, and its eco-mode regulates the unit’s use to keep circulating cool air and only turns on the compressor when there’s a temperature change.

Although saving energy using clean and renewable alternatives is a central goal in sustainable living, electricity isn’t the only natural resource green technology aims to conserve. Water is also a necessity that communities hope to preserve because some don’t always have a constant or infinite water supply.

Washing machines have also become a staple in many households because they finish the task faster without much labor from the users. Some units use 30 percent less energy and have a built-in filtration system that stops microplastics from washing synthetic fabrics from entering waterways and oceans.

How to choose green technology

The market is abundant in green technology products that consumers can choose from, giving them many options depending on their needs. But before one can minimize their carbon footprint at home, there are some things they still need to consider when deciding the ideal product for their homes.

Users must conduct research before making their final purchase to ensure that their items meet global standards and their preferences to create a secure, sustainable home. Some considerations for product selection include energy efficiency, which users can learn from available product ratings online.

Other relevant product information includes its life cycle, environmental rating, and other unique, sustainable functions that make it a key player in the industry.

Saving the environment doesn’t necessarily mean returning to primitive measures. Thanks to innovative minds and a compassion for the environment, consumers can now enjoy modern products that embody the purpose of green technology.

Everyday household items, like washing machines, air conditioners, and even electrical sockets, can be the gateway for users to shift toward sustainable or green technology. However, users still need to properly discern the items they’re purchasing.

While promoting sustainability worldwide may be daunting, everyday efforts from individuals, starting in their homes, can boost environmental preservation.


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