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Monday, June 17, 2024

Learning Nihonggo as second language for kids

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Little Sunshine’s Nihongo Language Workshop is best for children interested in becoming multi-lingual or fascinated with Japan’s culture

Little Sunshine, a series of workshops at Sunshine Place curated for kids ages 15 and below, aims to develop the dancing, creativity, and cognitive skills of children, at a formative time when their bodies and minds are capable of easily learning.

One of the workshops, scheduled to start on June 15, is an online Nihongo Language Workshop for kids aged nine to 13. The workshop will have 15 sessions conducted every Monday and Thursday, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Pauline Toledo, who has been teaching Nihongo for over four years, both online and in-person, will c onduct the workshop. She has coordinated special excursions to local points of interests and more extensive study trips to expand learning for Japanese-language students.

Learning a new language will strengthen the first or second language. There are tons of benefits in learning a new language. Studies have long known that learning a new language is good for a child’s brain development. By rearranging and creating new connections in the brain, language learning can help kids focus more easily and resist distractions, deal better with tasks that require switching from one activity to another, have greater empathy, and perform better in school.

This workshop is best if your child is interested in becoming multi-lingual, and if he/she is fond of Japan’s culture and tradition, surely the skills that they will learn will come in handy in the future.

To enroll and further details, contact 0917 515-5656 or email:


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