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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Wrong order—again?!? Dashers can help with that!

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How many times has this happened to you?

That moment when you realize you trusted the wrong online shopping service

You specified that you wanted lactose-free milk and instead got full-cream milk. You needed taped diapers for your toddler and instead got diaper pants for infants. Not only does this mean you have to find a way to get the items yourself, but you will probably end up with a product that you might not get to use at all. 

These experiences often turn off customers from ever doing online shopping again. That’s a crying shame because for all its birthing pains, online shopping is probably the best time-saving hack the pandemic has brought to house-bound consumers. 

The secret? Take time to choose the right online shopping service. Shop around, try them, read the fine print, and ask questions. Remember, you have so many options right now. 

If you are, however, a picky, meticulous shopper, save yourself some time and try out They have a one-hour delivery guarantee and let you pick out items not just from the store, but from standalone shops inside the Robinsons Malls. Best of all, now’s a good time to try them out. Their Triple Ber Month Sale lets shoppers use a single promo code up to three times for discounts at five different Robinsons malls. 
That’s not the best part. employs Dashers, personal shoppers that are trained to get things right the first time, and all the time. The secret is’s several safeguards to make sure customers get exactly what they ordered.

Dashers can get your shopping done from grocery to food shop to pet store… practically anywhere in the mall!

First is that the army of “Dashers”—professional personal shoppers—verify each item on the cart and check each item for its quality and expiration date. They are taught to examine items and not just pick out the first convenient one on the shelf. 

Second is the Dashers are equipped to do video calls with customers, and can even take videos of the aisles or the items if the customer wants a visual inspection before putting it on the cart. It’s like being there in the store yourself. 

Third is the Dashers are trained and are familiar with each store inside Robinsons Malls, making the picking of items and store-shopping faster, resulting in the guaranteed delivery time for orders. This is especially important if you have several items on your shopping list that can’t be found in only one store.

Dashers are chosen for their attention to detail and service-oriented personality

And just to give Dashers that extra edge, these professionals are chosen for their attention to detail and caring attitude towards their clients. In the end, it’s this service mentality that will get you hooked on online shopping so much you will not be able to imagine life before Take advantage of their special Triple Ber Month Sale and try them out now.


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