30.3 C
Sunday, June 2, 2024

Group endorses Marcoleta as Energy secretary

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The National Center of Electric Cooperative Consumers Inc., an organization with 4 million members nationwide, endorsed SAGIP Party-list Rep. Rodante Marcoleta as the next secretary of the Department of Energy.

“NCECCO hereby pledges its support to Rep. Rodante Marcoleta and reiterates its endorsement of him to be the next secretary of the Department of Energy,” the power consumer group said in a public statement.

NCECCO said, “the success of the government’s socioeconomic plan will always be dependent in the situation of the energy sector of our country” and that “any big investments in infrastructure will be futile if it will not be accompanied by a similar venture in the energy sector.”

The energy portfolio in the Cabinet is considered by many as a crucial position now that many economies were headed toward recession amid increasing prices of oil and derivatives, affecting basic commodities and services.

“As a matter of fact, any of our policies and plans can be held hostage by problems and turmoil involving energy concerns.… In the last few months, we have experienced the most devastating increase in oil prices affecting the cost of basic commodities, while the purchasing power of most of the people remains the same,” NCECCO said.

The national association said, “it is of utmost importance for the incoming administration to select a secretary of the Department of Energy who is not only adept in solving problems of national significance, but someone who has the heart for the masses and someone who has experienced the plight of the marginalized people for proper perspective.”

NCECCO underscored some of the accomplishments of Marcoleta, including championing measures on “free college education, free irrigation, access to universal health care and the Magna Carta of the Poor, among many others.”

The group said Marcoleta “successfully utilized the legislature’s oversight powers by exacting accountabilities from government agencies and public utilities.”

It said that while Marcoleta took an oath of office already as a representative of SAGIP Party-list, he could still be appointed to any Cabinet position by the incoming administration, but would need to vacate his position in the House of Representatives.


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