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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Poll bets expect more ‘attacks’ vs. Leni

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Senatorial candidates running under presidential aspirant and Vice President Leni Robredo and her running mate, Francis “Kiko” Pangilinan, expect the attacks against the Leni and Kiko tandem and the “red-tagging” will continue and will even intensify as the elections in May draws near.

Rivals of the Robredo-Pangilinan tandem are feeling the heat of the growing support for the “pink” campaign that they are now seeing “red” and are tagging supporters of the vice president as communists.

“They feel the pressure and it is not good news for them,” lawyer Alex Lacson who is running under the banner of the Robredo-Pangilinan tandem said.

He said the other political camps are already “triggered” because of the series of victories encountered by the Robredo camp during their political rallies, such as those in Bacolod, where an estimated 70,000 people attended, and in Cavite.

Lacson said dirty tactics will be employed to disrupt the campaign.

Teddy Baguilat, a former representative and part of Robredo’s camp said Robredo’s campaign is gaining momentum, and rivals want to stop this momentum.

“I hope that candidates who have low chances of winning will not make a pact with the devil and offer their services as a battering ram to hit another candidate,” Baguilat, who is also running under the Leni-Kiko team, said.

“VP Leni is gaining momentum at kita nyo naman sa rallies, which are huge, hip, happy gatherings,” he said.

Former senator Panfilo “Ping” Lacson and Rep. Jesus “Boying” Remulla of Cavite have alleged that supporters of Robredo who attended the political rallies were “trained” by the communists.

Baguilat advised those who attacked the Robredo-Pangilinan campaign to join them and “side with the truth and be part of history.”


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