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Monday, June 3, 2024

Senator Go hits PNoy on drug war issue

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Senator Christopher Lawrence “Bong” Go lashed back at former President Benigno Aquino III for failing to stop the illegal drug trade during hia time as he strongly reacted to the statements of Aquino over the appointment of Vice President Leni Robredo.

“You know Former President Aquino, your time had passed, you should have stopped this illegal drug. the number of addicts, syndicates and drug lords grew during your time,” said Go.

Senator Christopher Lawrence “Bong” Go

At present, he said Duterte is working hard to stop the illegal drug operations despite the difficulty.

“Your comment would not help. You just add to the problem,” he said. 

On Nov. 20, Aquino asked why Duterte appointed Robredo as drug czar if he does not trust her.

Taking the cudgels for the President in defending his move to appoint Robredo, Go said Duterte wanted to give her the opportunity to resolve the drug problem herself after she referred to the drug war as “a failure.”


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