30.2 C
Monday, June 17, 2024

Militant solons back GMA-led bill

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Two militant lawmakers on Wednesday welcomed the Arroyo-led House of Representatives’ push for the enactment of the proposed Teacher Protection Act.

Reps. France Castro and Antonio Tinio, principal authors of House Bill 9065, stressed the need for Congress to enact measures governing student discipline and mechanisms for classroom management to ease the burden of public school teachers and school personnel and to establish support for their protection.

“We filed the teacher protection bill in response to the clamor of teachers having a hard time in instilling discipline in their classrooms,” Tinio said. “With large class sizes, multiple shifts each day, and the heavier and additional tasks they have to assume, many teachers can attest that instilling discipline in their classrooms has become increasingly difficult.”

“Classroom management is a process of creating and maintaining appropriate behaviour of students in classroom settings,” Castro said.

The bill is expected to be approved on third and final reading before Congress adjourns sine die next week. It was approved on second reading last Tuesday.

Castro cited the “lack of institutional support in the form of standards and the permissible and effective methods of instilling discipline, guidance counselors to act as support personnel, and legal assistance and representation for our teachers.” 


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