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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

My Furry Bestie

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This corner features pets of animal lovers every week. We hope new owners and those thinking of getting a pet will be encouraged to be responsible “furparents” through these features. We also hope more people will be moved to be kind to animals when they read about the great relationship that can be created between humans and animals.

My Furry Bestie

For contributions, please email to and put My Furry Bestie as subject.

PEACH was given to Kiana de Dios as a gift when her mom left for the United States.

“Peach is my seven-year-old furbaby. Peach loves to eat rice with any viand. She loves to cuddle and play with my Mom. She loves to watch people and sleep on her back. Sleeping is her past time, “ Kiana says.

Kiana adds: “Peach loves us so much and protects us from the bad guys. We love her so much!”

MICHELLE is a two-year-old male furball of a cat.

“Yes, a male! My dad fell in love with her and asked ‘Michelle’ from the owner of a bike store in Quiapo. Fondly called by such name, he never failed to respond to that name. So from then on, we didn't bother changing it,” owner Grace Bautista Vasquez says.

Grace adds: “When my Dad died, I was the one who continued taking care of him.”

My Furry Bestie

“He loves to snuggle and asks for ‘scratch’ on the head and eventually falls asleep on my lap. He eats almost anything—from cat food to chicken and fish. Michelle also loves his freedom to roam around the house and neighborhood,” Grace says.

“I love him very much. Anyone who messes with my furball, messes with me!" adds Grace.


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