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Monday, May 20, 2024

What your pimples are trying to tell you

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One of the major sources of stress and frustration is having pimples. 

What your pimples are trying to tell you

Pimples are more than just pus-filled sacs of inconvenience. They occur when skin’s oil glands are overactive and dead skin cells are trapped in the pores. They are also triggered by hormonal imbalance. 

Pimples on the cheeks

Breakouts on the cheeks are said to be linked to the respiratory system. As the air in urbanized cities can be polluted, those who are frequently out and about are strongly advised to take extra care cleansing the face to remove accumulated dirt in the pores. Pressing phone against cheeks can also be the reason for pimples appearing in this area. 

Pimples on the chin

Hormonal imbalance is one of the major causes of acne formation on the chin. It usually happens to women when they’re about to have their monthly period. A regular sleep schedule and a healthy diet can help reduce breakouts in this area, but since hormonal imbalances are tougher to address, if symptoms persist, experts recommend to visit a dermatologist.

Pimples on the forehead

According to the said theory, acne formation in this area is a symptom of poor digestion and stress. To flush out toxins and improve digestion, professionals recommend getting a good night sleep, drinking plenty of water, and eating a balanced diet to reduce pimples on the forehead.

Pimples on the T-zone

Acne breakouts on the T-zone are often caused by gastrointestinal imbalances or food allergens. Since the T-zone has more oil glands than the rest of the face, experts recommend eating more leafy vegetables and reducing consumption of dairy, red meat, and fast food in order to improve the complexion of this area.

As satisfying as it may be to pop and wipe zits into oblivion, experts recommend taking the time to study and address acne formation not just for healthier skin, but also to improve overall health. 

Pimple poppers can tune in to the premiere of Dr. Pimple Popper on TLC on Nov. 5 at 8:05 p.m. The show will feature the viral sensation Dr. Sandra Lee, also known as Dr. Pimple Popper, treating patients with extreme skin conditions. 


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