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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Duterte orders all-out drive vs economic saboteurs

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President Rodrigo Duterte ordered government agencies to go after economic saboteurs as he warned rice traders to stop driving prices up artificially in his third State of the Nation Address Monday.

President Rodrigo Duterte on his Third State of the Nation Address

“I ask businesses to cooperate with us in charging a fair price. To help stabilize rice prices, we also need to address the issue of artificial rice shortage,” the President said.

Duterte said the government is releasing P149 billion in social aid this year to help the poor cope with the rising prices of basic goods but said: “no amount of subsidy can help the poor if some businesses take advantage of their situation to make more money.”

“I now ask all the rice hoarders, cartels, and their protectors: You know that I know who you are. Stop messing with the people,” he said.

“Power sometimes is not good thing. I hope I will not have to use it against you. Consider yourselves warned, mend your ways now or the full force of the state shall be put to bear upon you,” the President said. “I am directing all intelligence agencies to unmask the perpetrators of this economic sabotage and our law enforcement agencies to bring them to justice.”

Duterte also urged Congress to prioritize a proposed law that seeks to impose tariffs on rice in place of import quotas, saying this can bring down the price of the staple by as much as P7 per kilo, slowing inflation significantly.

He also ordered the National Food Authority to speed up the distribution of affordable rice.

Skipping his usual ad-libs, the President applauded Congress for the timely passage of the tax reform law, which he said has made funds available to build better roads and bridges, and improve health and education, and strengthen the country’s safety and security.

To address rising oil prices, the government has started releasing fuel vouchers to public utility jeeps and other valid franchises, the President said.

The President also emphasized his commitment to protect the environment and issued a stern warning to the mining industry.

“My policy in the utilization of these resources is non-negotiable: the protection of the environment must be top priority and extracted resources must be used for the benefit of the Filipino people, not just a select few,” he said. “Do not just give me taxes. I can get it from other sources. Give me what needs to be given to my countrymen.”

He warned the mining industry not to destroy the environment or compromise the country’s resources.

“Try to change your management radically because this time you will have restrictive policies,” he said, citing the ban on open-pit mining.

“Again, I warn irresponsible miners, along with their patrons, to stop destroying our watersheds, recharge areas, forests, and aquatic resources. You can no longer fish in our rivers. It’s all contaminated. And the color is not even brown or white, it’s black. You want to see it? I will invite you. We can go to Diwalwal and the other mining areas. And I’m sure you will puke with what is happening to this country. Expect reforms, radical ones. I [do not] intend to quarrel with anybody, with the moneyed, but for as long as I am here… you will just have to contend with me,” he said.


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