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FIBA investigates Philippine-Australia ‘basketbrawl’

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Australia’s bruised and battered basketball team left Manila late Tuesday fearing for their safety as they sought embassy help to leave the country after a brutal on-court brawl involving players, fans, and officials during their World Cup qualifier against the Philippines Monday night.

Basketball’s governing body FIBA opened disciplinary proceedings against both teams after the astonishing melee, where players and officials kicked and pounded a prone Australian player and both sides exchanged flying kicks and punches.

Thirteen players were ejected after the all-in fight between the Gilas Pilipinas and the Boomers in the third quarter, which was hashtagged #basketbrawl as footage and condemnation went viral.

Malacañang termed the incident at the Philippine Arena in Bulacan “regretful” and “unsportsmanlike” and Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque said both sides should take steps to ensure that such an “unfortunate” incident would not happen again.

“The basketball players showed unsportsmanlike conduct and must accept whatever sanctions to be imposed by FIBA authorities. We found the whole incident unfortunate,” Roque said.

“It was, of course, the height of being unsportsmanlike, but at the same time we appreciate that it’s something that we have to be sorry about because it should never have happened,” he added.

The spokesman said the Palace “understood the feelings of our fellow Filipinos, but this should not justify their conduct.”

Roque also suggested to “have better referees” that will intervene when players make a hard foul if ever the Boomers and Gilas meet again.

Senator Sonny Angara, chairman of the Samahang Basketbol ng Pilipinas that hosted the game, said it was “unfortunate that things got out of hand.”

It could have been prevented if the referees had tightened officiating to better control the game,” said Angara, who also plays on the Senate team in a local inter-government league.

The senator stressed that he stood by the Gilas team on the altercation. 

“One may criticize how the game ended, but the true test of a fan is to stick with his team win or lose, through thick and thin,” he said.

In the heat of the moment, Angara said the players on both sides “had to stand up for each other.”

What was already a bad-tempered game erupted in the third quarter when local player Roger Pogoy knocked Australia’s Chris Goulding to the ground and Daniel Kickert retaliated by flattening Pogoy with a flying elbow. 

In chaotic scenes, a white-shirted attacker appeared to slam a chair onto an Australian player as he was set upon by up to a dozen people, and a fan threw a chair at another Australian team member.

The game eventually resumed with just three men on the Philippines team, but it was soon abandoned at 89-53 to Australia after two more home players fouled out.

“We had our players and team management and our coaches in fear of their physical safety,” Basketball Australia chief executive Anthony Moore told a news conference.

“Are we going to be able to get out of here unscathed?”

Moore said the Aussies “accept our responsibility for our role in last night’s incident” and were waiting for the sport’s governing body’s findings and sanctions.

“What we don’t accept is the action whereby fans and officials actually get involved in the fray,” he said.

The SBP offered its apologies on Tuesday to “Filipino basketball fans and to the basketball community,” but stopped short of saying sorry to Australia.

“As hosts, we regret having breached the bounds of traditional Filipino hospitality,” it said in a statement. “As the national team representing flag and country, we likewise extend our apologies to the people.”

But Japeth Aguilar, one of the expelled Filipino players, tweeted a personal apology to the Australians, adding: “There was no excuse for how we responded.”

Several players from both teams have also issued apologies on social media, including Philippines assistant coach Jong Uichico, who pummeled Australian player Christopher Goulding.

Moore said the visitors kept their players and coaches courtside after the game and sought help from the Australian embassy to get the team safely out to their bus and their hotel.

“Physically our players are fine, they’re, you know, bruised and battered,” Moore said.

“Our athletes and coaches actually stayed on the court for a considerable amount of time, (it was) the safest place for our players and our coaches,” Moore said.

FIBA tweeted that it was opening disciplinary proceedings against both teams, adding: “The decision(s) will be communicated in the coming days.”

Thon Maker, one of two NBA players on the Australian side, tweeted Tuesday he was “deeply disappointed in the actions displayed” and was taking responsibility for his own actions.

“My hope is that this experience provides a springboard for discussion regarding the security surrounding these games,” said the South Sudan-born Milwaukee Bucks center, who was ejected from the match.

The Filipino players drew further criticism on social media after several players were photographed taking a smiling group selfie, apparently after the fight.

“Class,” NBA veteran Andrew Bogut, who has played previously for the Australian national team, wrote while re-tweeting a news account of the Filipino selfie. With AFP


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