29.1 C
Friday, June 7, 2024

SM Foundation’s tech-voc scholarship lauded

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SM Foundation bagged the Gold Anvil Award for Public Relations Programs on a Sustained Basis Education from the Public Relations Society of the Philippines recently.  

Its Tech-Voc Scholarship Grants for Gainful Employment Program was recognized for providing 1,000 technical-vocational scholarship grants, which was an 800% increase from previous years.  

The technical vocational scholarship program of SM Foundation started in 2007.  

In 2016, it took in 1,000 scholars with the implementation of the government’s K+12 education program to address an urgent need for the youth who cannot afford a college education to acquire employable skills.  

With the tech-voc scholarship, the youth are given the option to finish two-year technical-vocational courses in areas with great demand in the market, thus ensuring them better opportunities in life.  Today, SM Foundation’s tech-voc scholarship program is benefitting 2,000 scholars.  

SM Foundation’s tech-voc scholars have the option to pursue specialization in the areas of Food and Beverage, Automobile Mechanic, Fitter Machinist, Electro-Mechanical Technician, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, Small Arc Welding and Electromechanics.

SM Foundation’s tech-voc scholars have the option to pursue specialization in the areas of Food and Beverage, Automobile Mechanic, Fitter Machinist, Electro-Mechanical Technician, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, Small Arc Welding and Electromechanics. They enjoy full tuition subsidy, on the job internship, referral to industry partners after course completion and activities to help improve their personalities.  

SM Foundation has been partnering with Don Bosco systems since 2007.  Today, its partner schools are located throughout the country.  

Aside from the Don Bosco systems, SM Foundation has also partnered with Punlaan School in San Juan, Anihan Technical Institute (Calamba), Dualtech Training Center (Laguna), Baguio City School of Arts and Trades, MFI, Monark Foundation Institute (Laguna and Cagayan de Oro) and the Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise (Davao), School of Knowledge for Industrial Labor and Leadership and Service (Cebu) and the Banilad Center for Professional Development (Cebu), among others.  


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