29.5 C
Sunday, June 16, 2024

Uber sets up one-stop shop

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In support of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board’s processing of  transport network service  applications, Uber has announced it will be extending its TNVS Assist Center for another three months.  Uber said that the temporary processing facility, located at the Matrix Events Place in Quezon City, serves as a one-stop shop to help make the application process as smooth and efficient as possible. 

Just a short walk away from the LTFRB Central office, the center creates a comfortable environment for Uber partners, where they are briefed and assisted to ensure that all their documents and requirements are ready for processing at the LTFRB. Partners with any concerns and other inquiries are also attended to by an Uber support team on site.

Upon entry, partners present their IDs for verification and batching. They are then ushered to a briefing area, where they are oriented with the process that will take place in the LTFRB. If all their requirements are complete, they are shuttled in batches to the LTFRB for submission and and processing of their TNVS applications. 

For partner drivers with incomplete documents, the Uber TNVS Assist Center also has services like in-house notarization and operator data sheet assistance. After getting their proof of submission from the LTFRB, the partners are again provided shuttle service back to the TNVS Assist Center.

As of March 15, The LTFRB has processed a total of 2,488 TNVS applications since resuming acceptance last March 5, with 1,440 TNVS applications from Uber partners.


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