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Health group slams Sanofi for greed, lack of empathy

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Health group Coalition for People’s Right to Health slammed Sanofi for violating the patients’ rights, specifically the right to informed consent through dishonesty in selling the Dengvaxia vaccine to the Philippine government, without full disclosure that the Phase 3-B of their ongoing studies hadn’t been completed, and by not informing the public of the “four identified risks” that Sanofi knew way back in December 2015, as disclosed in the recent congressional hearing.

The group held its protest in front of the Sanofi Office at One World Place, 32nd Street, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City last March 5, 2018 at 11:00 am.

Dr. Julie Caguiat, co-convener of CPRH said, “The damage that Sanofi has done is immeasurable, proving an undeniable characteristic of foreign multi-national companies—that they put profit over the health and safety of the people. The refusal to set-up an indemnification fund and putting pre-conditions such as ‘proof that the Dengvaxia was the primary cause of death’ highlights the lack of empathy and refusal to understand the plight of the masses affected by the malicious vaccine. Sanofi wants to put the burden of proof on the parents, without the company admitting that their November 29, 2017 pronouncement is proof enough of their responsibilities toward the victims.”

The CPRH previously scored the collusion between Sanofi and government officials, highlighting the obvious fast-track of the mass immunization program every time Sanofi met with a government official such as former President Benigno Aquino III and former Health secretary Janette Garin.

The coalition also pointed out that the revelation in the latest congressional hearing that Sanofi had already previously submitted, to the FDA, “four identified risks” (anaphylactic reaction, viscerotropism neurotropism, and increase in severity of dengue disease) of Dengvaxia in 2015 prior to delivery, sale, and implementation of the program yet the company hid these until 2017. Such risks should have been included in the letter of consent for the patients.

“Current government pronouncements are slowly absolving involved government officials from both Aquino and Duterte administrations, while Sanofi has a reputation of winning court cases. Though Sanofi’s display of corporate gluttony should be condemned, the people must unite to fight the impending whitewash on this case. The people must continue to call for accountability from the involved government officials and Sanofi. We also call-on the Department of Health to be part of the justice seeking process by speaking the truth to the public,” Dr. Caguiat concluded.

Launched in 2016, CPRH is a broad formation which brings together service oriented groups, individuals, non-government organizations, academic institutions, religious groups involved in health apostolate/health ministry, grassroots health activists, patients’ organizations and people’s organizations nationwide.


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