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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Du30 hits ICC: Why focus on PH drug war

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PRESIDENT Rodrigo Duterte slammed the International Criminal Court for singling him out for the alleged human violations when  atrocities against humanities were taking place anywhere  such as the Ronghiyas.

In a speech in Cebu recently, Duterte said there were Rohingyas being slaughtered but the ICC continued to focus on thePhilippine government’s anti-illegal drugs campaign which he said was destroying the future generation of Filipinos.

While the President  earlier challenged the ICC to come to the Philippines and see for themselves the alleged drug war, Duterte said he was willing to be shot if found guilty by the ICC.

Duterte cited the Rohingya refugee crisis amid  alleged drug-related killings in the Philippines.

 “I was the first head of state who was indicted. There are Rohingyas who are being slaughtered but they only choose to indict me,” Duterte said during a meeting  in Cebu last Tuesday.

The President also said he was “not scared” of facing trial for the drug war, adding he would even personally argue his case before the international court.

“You asked for it, let’s have a trial. I will cross-examine you. When the trouble reaches them, they won’t be able to stand the cross-examination,” said Duterte, known for his tough stance while  mayor of Davao City.

 “I can convince you that the moon is black… I’m the only one whom they can’t fool. I’m not scared,” he added.

The ICC recently announced it was opening a preliminary examination into the alleged crimes committed in the Philippine government’s drug crackdown. 

It would determine first if the crimes were under its jurisdiction before launching a full probe.

Meanwhile, the country’s top cop on Saturday said the police was willing to cooperate with the ICC  investigation on the country’s anti-drug campaign while criticizing the inquiry as “politically motivated.”

Philippine National Police chief Director General Ronald dela Rosa said the police force was willing to provide the international court with data on the drug crackdown if it should make a request.

The PNP earlier reported that 3,987 drug suspects were killed between July 1, 2016 and Jan. 17, 2018.

The police chief, however, is not keen on full disclosure of government information in the investigation as he expressed doubts on the ICC’s intent.


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