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Monday, June 17, 2024

Gordon to address huge backlog of cases at DoJ

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To address the backlog of 384,625 pending cases as of 2016 that is handled by the Department of Justice, Senator Richard Gordon has vowed to immediately look into a bill proposing amendments to the National Prosecution Service law.

He said the backlog of cases, both criminal and civil, should be addressed to stop criticisms that the country’s justice system is very slow.

As of 2016, he said the caseload was 384,625. “These are prosecution statistics. This is too much for any department. This is a caseload for several departments of justice,” said Gordon.

“But I will look into this right away, because I think one of the big criticisms about our country is that our justice system is very, very slow,” he added when informed that a bill had been filed by Senator Loren Legarda that was referred to the Committee on Justice and Human Rights, which he chairs.

The DoJ admitted that the department needs to hire additional prosecutors, stating that there is already an allocation. However there is a need to amend the NPS law to expedite the hiring process to ensure the speedy processing in the appointment of prosecutors.

Under Republic Act No. 10071 or the Prosecution Service Act of 2010, Prosecutors I to Prosecutors V shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Justice.

On the other hand, prosecution attorneys and special counsels shall be appointed by the Secretary of Justice.

Gordon said that the Committee on Justice and Human Rights is prepared to work on the proposed bill immediately and he could sponsor the bill at the soonest time possible so it could be passed before the end of the year.

“Certainly, the Committee on Justice should be ready to consider it and try to get it amended. Because you cannot have 384,625 cases and say that the President is not appointing lawyers because of that simple provision,” he said.


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