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Monday, June 17, 2024

Solon: Unmask Aegis Juris financier

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Senator Sherwin Gatchalian on Sunday vowed to unmask who paid for the meeting of the Aegis Juris fraternity members at the posh Novotel Manila- Araneta Center in Cubao, Quezon City to hatch the plot to conceal the death of Horacio Castillo during an intitiation rites in Manila in September.

“One thing that’s entering my mind was why Novotel? Who paid Novotel? I have been there many times and that’s a very beautiful hotel for just a frat meeting to talk about concealment of this [fatal hazing],” the senator said.

“Either the students have money to pay or somebody paid [for them]. That’s the loose end that we want to know,” he added.

Gatchalian said the frat members even rented a boardroom in the hotel, which was very costly. They also paid for their food.

“And the [expenseses were] not that cheap and for students like them, they’re not capable of paying [that amount],” he said.

He said some senior members of the fraternity may have shoudered the expenses.

Gatchalian said he wants to clarify the links of some politicians who may have been involved in the coverup when the Senate committee on public order resumes its hearing today (Monday).

“They met to plan the coverup or how to cover up for the crime. It also appeared that they’re covering up for some politicians. That’s one angle that should be pursued because it might amount to obstruction of justice,” he added.

He said those who paid for the boardroom or room in the hotel where the meeting to conceal the crime can also be held liable for obstruction of justice.

Gatchalian also senators also want to hear the extensive testimony of Aegis Juris member Marc Ventura, who he said appeared to be the “star witness”  on everything that transpired which led to the death of Castillo. 

Ventura had voluntarily submitted himself to the Department of Justice and submitted a statement that detailed events and specific acts during the fatal initiation rites.


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