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Sunday, June 2, 2024

John Lloyd-Sarah reunion movie in SKY Pay-Per-View

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Star Cinema on SKY Pay-Per-View is bringing romance and action to TV screens until Nov.17 with the back-to-back feature of John Lloyd Cruz and Sarah Geronimo’s Finally Found Someone and Gerald Anderson’s AWOL.

Aprilyn Esguerra (Geronimo) goes viral when videos of her crying her heart out after being left at the altar hits the Internet. Her ex-fiancé’s dad, who’s a mayor, hires a public relations consultant after the incident leaves a bad mark on their family’s image. Raffy Sandoval (Cruz) plans to help Aprilyn move on but what he doesn’t plan is them falling in love with each other.

Gerald Anderson plays an elite soldier turned rogue in AWOL or absence without leave that is used to describe soldiers who abandon their duties. 

In the movie, Anderson’s Lt. Abel Ibarra leaves his post as the leader of an elite sniper group to conduct an investigation on the incident that killed his team and the person behind the attempts on his family.


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