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Monday, June 3, 2024

Filipina shines in Hong Kong conference

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A young Filipina social media marketer and peace advocate represented the Philippines in a prestigious five-day international youth leaders forum in Hong Kong.

Arizza Nocum, 22, of Kristiyano-Islam Peace or Kris Library, was invited by Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups to share her knowledge and experiences with local young leaders in the “Leaders to Leaders 2017 Summer” program on Aug. 1 to 5.

Nocum, who was asked to discuss the issues of poverty and education to more than 1,000 students and working youths, is one of the five eminent global leaders from different countries picked by HKFYG, the city’s largest youth service organization.

The other speakers from Singapore, Hong Kong and Jordan talked about climate change, women empowerment, public speaking and social investments.

Kris Library head Arizza Nocum

“I am both proud and humbled to be invited here to discuss the intertwined issue of poverty and education,” Nocum said, citing the impact of poverty to the global problem of lack of access to quality education among the youth.

“It would be an honor and a great achievement for us to impart to the young people of Hong Kong our works and experiences in the KRIS Library. Together, we can make this world a better place for everyone,” she said.

Born to a Catholic father and a Tausug mother, Nocum is the overall head of Kris Library, a non-profit organization that aims to promote peace through education by building libraries, providing scholarships, and distributing educational materials in areas affected by poverty and conflict. 

Thus far, Kris has built six libraries, provided more than 400 scholarships and spread more than 50,000 books and computers.

A magna cum laude graduate of UP Diliman College of Engineering, Nocum also serves as a junior partner and head of the social media arm of the public relations firm Dean & Kings Communications run by her father, former Philippine Daily Inquirer journalist Armand Dean Nocum.

The young Nocum is also active in the international campaign to fight violent extremism; she represented the Philippines in Geneva last year as one of the 10 young leaders selected from different countries to serve as peace ambassadors of the Kofi Annan Foundation. 

The organization was founded by former United NationsSecretary General Kofi Annan in 2007 to promote better global governance and strengthen the capacities of people and countries to achieve peace.

Nocum was selected as one of Ten Outstanding Students of the Philippines in February 2017.

She was also named the youth awardee during the 2017 Inspiring Filipina Entrepreneurs Awards organized by “Go Negosyo”, the advocacy of the non-profit organization Philippine Center for Entrepreneurship, in March.

Presidential adviser for entrepreneurship and Asean Business Advisory Council chair Joey Concepcion cited Nocum “for championing the advocacy of erasing animosity between the Catholics and Muslims through education,” especially in Mindanao.


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