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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Work Smart

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‘WHAT you’re not familiar with, you don’t trust, and what you don’t trust, you won’t buy.” I guess this is human instinct. When it comes to transportation, this is also true as we only purchase items that we have tried and tested. 

It’s undeniable that people purchase products that are affordable, particularly products from China, typically because they are more affordable than other international brands, and not of the quality. One of the newest automobile players, BAIC, has entered the Philippine market. It is headed by its president and CEO, Mr. George Chua. We had the opportunity of listening to his leadership experience firsthand, and I believe all of us learned from him.

Introducing a new brand

In the Philippines, there are already a number of key players in the automotive industry, which makes one wonder if it still possible to enter the market. Well, yes, it is still possible.

At least for Baic. Although it started out slow—all businesses do—this did not stop Baic from gaining consumers. What started out in showrooms now have different dealers nationwide. Baic has proven that anyone can still be competitive in an industry as long as you work smart.

Working Smart vs. Working Hard

Mr. Chua has injected to the class the attributes and principles that he carried out at president and CEO. One of them is working smart. Working smart is better than working hard. One has to be efficient in his work. Innovate the work and be as efficient as you can be. Communicate well with others. It is an essential tool for a company to grow.

In any organization, it is important to achieve goals and objectives the fastest, most convenient way possible. In every problem, there are millions of ways to solve them, however, people would rather do the standard operating procedure rather than be creative. Most SOPs take more time and effort, and if we look into making solutions that takes more time, competitors will beat you to it.

Working hard is how you do a job. Hard work is done by physical efforts, and most of the time, there’s only one way to do a job. Whereas working smart is getting the job done. Working smart allows you to think of more than one way to achieve the end result. Working smart is better than working hard.  

Hard work demands discipline, dedication and determination. Hard work includes getting up early every day and get ready for work no matter how sleepy you are, and rushing to report to the office, while smart work requires creativity in achieving your goal. It helps improve time-consuming work, to be more efficient and effective.

Based on the ideas mentioned, if you expect to survive in today’s competitive world, working smart is better than working hard. You can work hard as much as you want, as long as you want, but it takes longer to achieve. 

Playing your part

In every team, each employee has an important role to play. It is important, according to Mr. Chua, for each and every player of the organization to play his part. Every function has value, thus, each must learn how to execute his job well. If it is not done right, own up to your mistakes and learn from it until you get the desired result. Think positive. All things end in good outcomes with positivity.

Lastly, know how to execute a plan and turn it to reality. Everything starts with a plan. A plan may be very impressive, but it is nothing when it remains as is. Executing a plan is what makes all the difference. This is where action is taken, strategy is followed, and tasks are completed.

“It is not how hard you work, but how much you get done.”

The author is an MBA student at the Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business.  This essay is part of a journal she kept in fulfillment of the requirements of the course, Trends and issues in Business and Management: CEO Series.  Visit her blog at

The views expressed here are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official position of DLSU, its faculty, and its administrators. 


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