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Sunday, June 9, 2024

Social workers sent to Tondo to assist fire victims

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Manila Mayor Joseph “Erap” Estrada has sent social workers to Isla Puting Bato in Tondo, where a huge fire on Tuesday killed a 15-year-old boy and left at least 70 families homeless.

Estrada directed Nanet Tanyag, head of the Manila Department of Social Welfare, to provide the fire victims all they need, such as temporary shelter, food, and medicines.

“It’s tragic that a young life was lost,” the mayor said, “but rest assured we will extend all the help they need until they have all recovered from this incident.”

Fire authorities in Manila said the boy was identified as Froilan dela Cruz, who was trapped inside his home during the fire.

The fire broke out at 11 a.m. Tuesday and reached the fifth alarm, and was controlled at 1 p.m. on the same day, BFP Deputy Fire Marshall Chief Insp. Arvin Afalla said.

As soon as he heard news of the fire, Estrada contacted MDSW and other emergency units of the city hall to rush to the site.

According to Tanyag, they set up a command post at the scene while the fire was still raging to help in the relief efforts. Meals were also provided to the fire victims upon Estrada’s instructions.

“As ordered by Mayor Estrada, we listed down the families affected by the fire so we would know who to help. And until today, we are giving them free meals and other important provisions,” Tanyag said Wednesday.

File photo. AFP

The MDSW also set up a temporary evacuation center at Delpan Sports Complex although many residents opted to stay at the site to secure their belongings, she added.

Tanyag said they have communicated with the teenage boy’s family. “Definitely, we will extend the appropriate assistance and whatever else the family needs.”

The fire, which destroyed at least 30 homes in Isla Puting Bato near the Manila International Container Terminal, was reportedly caused by a leaking LPG tank at the Dela Cruz’s house.

Froilan and his family were able to rush out of their house as the kitchen went ablaze, but the boy suddenly went back to get something.

Around 70 families or 350 individuals were affected by the fire, according to the Manila Fire Department.

The last time the densely populated Isla Puting Bato community in Barangay 20, Tondo, was hit by a fire was on May 11, 2012, when 1,520 families lost their homes.


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