30.4 C
Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Munti puts time limit on computer shops

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Three hours for high school and one hour for elementary students—these are the maximum hours an individual can spend in computer shops in Muntinlupa City, according to a new local ordinance.

The Muntinlupa City Council recently passed Ordinance No. 17-044, requiring owners of computer shops in the city, including those found in non-commercial establishments or residences with computer units for rent, to regulate their scope of operation.

Mayor Jaime Fresnedi says the ordinance aims to promote the well-being of the youth, and hopes its implementation will lessen negative implications and effects of long exposure to computer games and the Internet to city residents.

Provision in Section 3 of the ordinance prohibits computer shops from running a 24-hour operation, and must only run from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. the next day. Renters 17 years old and younger shall only be allowed in the shops until 9 p.m. unless accompanied by a parent, in which case they can stay up to 2 a.m.


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